This repository contains the code for the article "[Invertible Learned Primal-Dual](link to the paper)".
The code contains the following
- Training and evaluation using anthropomorphic data from Mayo Clinic (2D).
- Training and evaluation using downsampled Walnut dataset (3D).
- Implementation of the baseline methods.
The code depends on pytorch, ODL, ASTRA toolbox and MemCNN. ODL, ASTRA and MemCNN can be installed by
$ git clone
$ cd odl
$ pip install --editable .
$ conda install -c astra-toolbox/label/dev astra-toolbox
$ conda install -c silvandeleemput -c pytorch -c simpleitk -c conda-forge memcnn
Jevgenija Rudzusika,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology,
[email protected]
Buda Bajic,
KTH Royal Institute of Technology,
[email protected]