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Doodle Junmper

The objective was to direct a main character, named "Doodle", who moves continuously to the right. Players can make it jump over the obstacles along the way by doing the math problems. The players need to calulate and compare the sun of two numbers with the given result.

Arithmetic Logic Unit

Our game make use of the following ALU functions, including three functions added by ourselves.

ALUFN Operation Type Description
000000 ADD ARITH A + B
000001 SUB ARITH A - B
000010 MUL ARITH A * B
011000 AND BOOL bitwise A and B
011110 OR BOOL bitwise A or B
010110 XOR BOOL bitwise A xor B
100000 SHL SHIFT shift A leftwards by B bits
100001 SHR SHIFT shift A rightwards by B bits
110011 CMPEQ CMP compare if A == B
110101 CMPLT CMP compare if A < B
110111 CMPLE CMP compare if A <= B
111011 CMPNE CMP compare if A != B
111101 CMPGE CMP compare if A >= B
111111 CMPGT CMP compare if A > B

Electronic Design

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50.002 1D project






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