Cloud-native distributed commit-log service
- Commit-log library package providing core functionality
- Client-Server communication over gRPC (ProtoBuf binary payloads)
- Authentication w/ mTLS and self-operated CA w/ CloudFlare CFSSL toolkit
- Authorization thru simple ACL implementation w/ casbin
- Instrumented for observability (Metrics/Tracing w/ OpenCensus; Logging w/ Zap)
- Compatible w/ Prometheus, Jaegar, Elasticsearch for Production deployment
- Server2Server Service Discovery w/ HashiCorp Serf
- Service clustering w/ consensus backed by Raft algorithm provided by HashiCorp Raft library
- Client-side discovery and load-balancing (Preferable to proxy-based LB for higher perf communication between trusted internal-services)
- k8s-ready deployment Helm charts and Custom Controller logic w/ MetaController
- Operator-based deployment to k8s