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Local Region
A Local Region is Region bounded between two points. Is essentially a rectangle with its own flags and its own properties. Since is limited it has some unique properties that are described below.
A Local Region has 2 points that defines its bounds. These points can be set using the Region Selector while creating the Region or using the /rg expand command if they are already set.
A Local Region can have a priority in order to determine wich Region has to handle events if 2 or more Regions overlaps. The region priority can be set using the /rg priority command.
A Local Region can have a Teleport Location, so when players use the /rg tp command they will be teleported at this location. You can disable players from teleporting to the Teleport Location of the Region setting the cantp
flag to false.
A Local Region can have a Spawn Location, so when players use the /rg spawn command they will be teleported at this location. You can disable players from teleporting to the Spawn Location of the Region setting the canspawn
flag to false.
A Local Region can be held by some players, meaning that they will have all permissions inside that Region. This is useful if you want to make private Regions. You can add a member to a Region using the /rg add command or remove it using the /rg remove command.
A message that is displayed to a player when he enter the Region. The region greeting message can be set using the /rg greeting command.
A message that is displayed to a player when he leaves the Region. The region farewell message can be set using the /rg farewell command.
The list of potion effects the Region will apply to each player inside it. A Region effect can be added using the /rg effectadd command.
Represents the ItemStack used to buy this Region
Sets if the Region has been sold
If you want to create a Local Region than you must follow these steps:
- Get the Region Selector, if you don't have it yet, by using the
command - With the Region Selector in you hand use the Left mouse click to select the first point and the Right mouse click to select the second point. You can select the same point twice if you want to. Also, you can expand the selection by using the
[/rg expand](https://github.com/JimiIT92/UniverseGuard2/wiki/rg-expand)
command. - Optionally you can set the Region properties using different commands or set the Region Flags using the
[/rg flag](https://github.com/JimiIT92/UniverseGuard2/wiki/rg-flag)
command - When you are done, you must type the
/rg save
command to save your Region
UniverseGuard2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 by JimiIT92 (aka Minehendrix)
- /rg
- /rg save
- /rg name
- /rg flag
- /rg edit
- /rg delete
- /rg info
- /rg priority
- /rg setteleport
- /rg setspawn
- /rg tp
- /rg spawn
- /rg list
- /rg add
- /rg remove
- /rg help
- /rg gamemode
- /rg command
- /rg expand
- /rg here
- /rg reload
- /rg flaginfo
- /rg greeting
- /rg farewell
- /rg copy
- /rg at
- /rg set
- /rg create
- /rg effectadd
- /rg effectremove
- /rg setvalue
- /rg removevalue
- /rg buy
- /rg sell
- /rg excludeblock
- /rg includeblock
- /rg removefarewell
- /rg removegreeting
- /rg itemuse
- /rg globalfor
- /rg discard
- place
- destroy
- pvp
- expdrop
- itemdrop
- itempickup
- enderpearl
- sleep
- lighter
- chests
- trappedchests
- waterflow
- lavaflow
- otherliquidsflow
- leafdecay
- firespread
- potionsplash
- falldamage
- cantp
- canspawn
- hunger
- enderchests
- walldamage
- drown
- invincible
- cactusdamage
- firedamage
- endermangrief
- enderdragonblockdamage
- hidelocation
- hideflags
- hidemembers
- sendchat
- craftingtable
- enchantingtable
- itemframe
- armorstand
- anvil
- hopper
- lever
- button
- furnace
- minecart
- boat
- tnt
- creeper
- endercrystal
- fireball
- enderdragon
- icemelt
- vinesgrowth
- enter
- exit
- trample
- pistons
- shulkerboxes
- frostwalker
- fishingpole