A package for programmatically creating Tableau data source (.tds) and packaged data source (.tdsx) files.
The package turns a JSON structure representing a dataset into a .tds or .tdsx output.
The JSON model consists of:
- The link to the data source file (CSV or Excel)
- A link to additional metadata (optional)
- A list of measures
- A list of dimensions
- groups of fields to represent as folders
- hierarchies of related dimensions
There is an example JSON file in the example
Below is a minimal example, using the sample data file and JSON model:
from tableau_metadata.dataset import create_tdsx
metadata_file='example' + os.sep + 'metadata.json',
dataset_file='example' + os.sep + 'dataset.json',
data_file='example' + os.sep + 'orders.csv',
output_file='output' + os.sep + 'test_create_tdsx'
This will create a packaged data source from the example.
You can also build data sources directly using the Tableau class.
The following is a minimal example of creating a .tds:
tableau = Tableau()
tableau.add_dimension('Ship Mode')
The simplest possible approach is to directly convert a CSV file into a Tableau Packaged Data Source in one step. This will include all the fields in the CSV without any additional metadata.
create_tdsx_from_csv(data_file='orders.csv', output_file='datasource')