Use this package to integrate OpenTelemetry into your ASP.NET Web API using appsettings.json
Follow these steps to get it done:
dotnet add package JF91.OpenTelemetry
Custom options are optional which means that you can mix options from appsettings.json with the ones defined below
jaegerOptions =>
jaegerOptions.Enabled = true;
jaegerOptions.Endpoint = "";
jaegerOptions.Protocol = JaegerProtocols.Http;
zipkinOptions =>
zipkinOptions.Enabled = true;
zipkinOptions.Endpoint = "";
influxdbOptions =>
influxdbOptions.Enabled = true;
influxdbOptions.Url = "";
influxdbOptions.Protocol = JaegerProtocols.Http;
new List<Action<Otlp>>
otlp_one =>
otlp_one.Enabled = true;
otlp_one.Url = "";
otlp_one.Protocol = OtlpProtocols.Http;
otlp_two =>
otlp_two.Enabled = true;
otlp_two.Url = "";
otlp_two.Protocol = OtlpProtocols.Grpc;
prometheusOptions =>
prometheusOptions.Enabled = true;
prometheusOptions.ScrapeEndpointPath = "/test";
prometheusOptions.ScrapeResponseCacheDurationMilliseconds = 1000;
IMPORTANT: For a custom options list to OTLP Exporters, you need to have the same ammount of entries in appsettings.json with the same order.
Example 1: 3 OTLP Exporters in appsettings.json and 2 Custom Options will override the first 2 OTLP Exportes in appsettings.json from the first 2 Custom Options.
Example 2: 2 OTLP Exporters in appsettings.json and 3 Custom Options will override the 2 OTLP Exporters in appsettings.json from the first 2 Custom Options.
"OpenTelemetrySettings": {
"EnableTraces": true,
"EnableMetrics": true,
"Exporters": {
"Console": {
"Enabled": true
"Jaeger": {
"Enabled": true,
"Endpoint": "http://localhost:14268/api/traces",
"Protocol": "udp"
"Zipkin": {
"Enabled": false,
"Endpoint": " https://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans"
"Prometheus": {
"Enabled": true,
"ScrapeEndpointPath": "/metrics-text",
"ScrapeResponseCacheDurationMilliseconds": 300
"InfluxDB": {
"Enabled": false,
"Url": "http://localhost:8086",
"Protocol": "http"
"Otlp": [
"Enabled": true,
"Url": "http://localhost:4317",
"Protocol": "grpc"
"Enabled": false,
"Url": "http://localhost:4317",
"Protocol": "http"
"Instrumentation": {
"Http": true,
"EfCore": false,
"Hangfire": false,
"SqlClient": false,
"Redis": false
Jaeger.Protocol: udp / http | Default => udp
[OtlpProtocols] > InfluxDB.Protocol: grpc / http | Default => grpc