Trusted Reviews is a review-posting platform that offers a secure database of customer reviews and testimonials. Registered users can add to, view, and vote on a filterable/searchable list of product reviews. Retailers can access these reviews through a secure API that embeds a product summary (with its rating average and a link to the full set of reviews) within their websites. Trusted Reviews was built as a final project for Dartmouth's COSC52 Web Development course in Spring 2019.
Be sure to check out all of the features below while using the site!
- Authentication: User sign-up and sign-in with backend token verification
- Product Database: Searchable display of all products in database
- Review Posting: Submit rating and review body with error-checking
- Review Voting: Upvote or downvote a review up to one time
- User Profiles: View all reviews posted by a given user; click-through to them
- API for Embedding: Generates product summary card at /embed/product_id
The frontend of this app is built on top of the front-end starterpack built by Tim Tregubov, utilizing webpack, babel, eslint, sass, react/reactrouter, redux, express, and mongo.
The backend of this app is a mongoDB database using mongoose for schema-based models and Heroku for deployment. Access the backend here.
To setup the frontend dev environment:
- Install homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- Or, if homebrew is already installed:
brew update
- Install node.js and yarn
brew install node
brew install yarn
- In the root directory of the cloned repo, yarn your nodes!
To automatically deploy to, push to master/ merge branch with master of
To manually deploy frontend to
yarn deploy
To deploy somewhere else:
yarn build
surge -p dist -d [somewhereelse]
yarn clean
- Change the deployment URL on line 13 of ./package.json
yarn deploy
To run the website locally, run yarn start
from the root directory. The output will be served at http://localhost:8080.
Currently, server queries will be directed to If you are also running the backend locally, or would like to use another server, you can change the server request location on lines 25 and 26 of ./src/actions/index.js
Please note while testing that some pages may take a moment to load! If a given action appears to have no impact on the page, be sure to check the console for error logs. For example, if a new user account is submitted without the password confirmation matching the original password, the user will not be created and an error will be logged in the console.
Shreyas Agnihotri, Joe Connolly, Soren Thompson, Richard Yang
None of this would be possible without the codebase and supported provided by Tim Tregubov (@timofei7) and the assistance of CS52 course TAs.