A docker-compose based test setup for the neo4j_doc_manager that automatically transfers MongoDB data into neo4j using the Mongo-Connector.
Please see both projects for more information:
Docker and Docker-Compose need to be installed.
Checkout this repository then cd into the directory and start the docker containers using:
docker-compose up -d
In the first run the connector will not work as the MongoDB Replicaset needs to be initiated first.
Connect to the MongoDB using the shell:
docker exec -ti neomongo_mongo_1 mongo
Then initiate the replicaset using:
Now start the connector again using:
docker-compose up -d
The setup is ready to go.
You can connect to the neo4j by pointing your browser to:
You can connect to MongoDB using the shell:
docker exec -ti neomongo_mongo_1 mongo
or by using any other MongoDB client using the mongoUri:
The neo4j_doc_manager documentation has a number of examples that should get you started.
Have fun!