Extracting marc fields using pymarc for subject analysis.
These functions can be used to input a marc file and extract specific fields, outputting them to a csv file. It was originally intended to extract subject subfields to do metadata analysis.
Without a doubt there will be more efficient, or generally better ways to do this work. I'm still learning. If you use these functions and would like to share changes you make, feel free to comment in an issue or PR.
- pymarc_extract.py - this file can be used to input a marc file and extract specific fields, outputting them to a csv file. User is prompted to provide the marc file name and the output file name.
This wouldn't have been completed without borrowing code from by @rwangca (who also pulled late nights fixing my errors), @dicksonlaw583 , and the Carpentries pymarc lesson (https://carpentries-incubator.github.io/pymarc_basics/)