A Machine Learning model applied for maize disease classification
This repository contains the second project of the Machine Learning discipline guided by Prof. Dr. Ivanovitch Medeiros (at UFRN)
The main purposes of this project is using a fastAPI to deploy a predict model for heart disease, based on "https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/smaranjitghose/corn-or-maize-leaf-disease-dataset" kaggle
The objective of the project is to carry out and implement a model capable of a Neural Network capable of predicting the conditions of maize leaves.
For this we will use WandB + TensorFlow+ FastAPI + Heroku.
Students: Jordão Silva and Gabriel Maia
Link to Medium Article: https://medium.com/@jordao.cassiano.009/use-w-b-and-tensorflow-to-obtain-a-disease-classification-model-in-maize-leaves-180c337ff3c2
Link to Loom: https://loom.com/share/0e3c392bd59244678a0cdfcd000557c0