Console command to access and control Jorin.
Jorin is an AI framework and productivity tool designed for power users and developers. Jorin can collaborate with you on your laptop, your phone, run in the background to complete a goal or even delegate tasks across other AI agents.
Jorin is experimental and under active development. Lots of things don't work yet.
To install or upgrade:
curl -fsSL | bash
This will install jorin
to $HOME/.jorin/bin
and add it to your path.
You can also manually download a release from Github.
jorin setup
jorin do "make a tic tac toe game and deploy it live"
$ jorin --help
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Usage: jorin [options] [command]
Jorin AI client for managing tasks, sessions, and agents.
-V, --version output the version number
-l, --llm <llm> Specify a Large Language Model
--hub <url> Specify a Jorin Hub URL
-h, --help display help for command
tasks Create, list, watch and manage tasks
do Alias for task new --watch
sessions Session management
agents Agent management
llm Manage and interact with Large Language Models directly
setup [options] Starts the hub and configures if not already set up
Learn more about Jorin:
$ jorin tasks
list List all tasks
watch <id> Start watching a specific task
new [options] <description> Adds a task to the hub and returns the ID
$ jorin sessions
new [options] Create a new session
exec Execute a command in a session
$ jorin agents
list List all agents
make [options] Create and spawn a new agent
$ jorin llm
list List all LLMs
send [options] <message> Send a message to an LLM
Jorin is written in TypeScript. Refer to the Contributing guide to start contributing to Jorin.
git clone
cd jorin
bun install
bun test
bun run jorin.ts
makes use of:
- Bun - a JavaScript runtime
- Cross platform: configstore, env-paths
- CLI: commander, inquirer
- UI: figlet, chalk, gradient-string
- LLMs: Ollama
Use make -B
to force.
This will create a single file executable dist/jorin
using Bun's build and compilation.
Packaging requirements:
- bun
- make
Refer to the Licence file for licensing information.