Releases: JoshuaKGoldberg/package-json-validator
Releases · JoshuaKGoldberg/package-json-validator
What's Changed
- feat: add support for object input by @michaelfaith in #138
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0
What's Changed
- chore(deps): pin dependencies by @renovate in #130
- ci: don't include chore PRs in changelog by @michaelfaith in #131
- docs: add michaelfaith as a contributor for infra by @allcontributors in #133
- chore(deps): update dependency release-it to v18.1.1 by @renovate in #132
- chore(deps): update eslint monorepo to v9.18.0 by @renovate in #134
- chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v15.4.0 by @renovate in #136
- chore(deps): update dependency vitest to v3 by @renovate in #137
- chore(deps): update actions/setup-node digest to 1d0ff46 by @renovate in #139
- chore(deps): update dependency typescript-eslint to v8.21.0 by @renovate in #140
- feat: deprecate the PJV name export by @michaelfaith in #135
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0
What's Changed
- chore(deps): pin dependencies by @renovate in #106
- chore(deps): update dependency all-contributors-for-repository to v0.4.0 by @renovate in #107
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-jsdoc to v50.6.1 by @renovate in #113
- docs: add michaelfaith as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #109
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-n to v17.15.1 by @renovate in #114
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-regexp to v2.7.0 by @renovate in #115
- chore(deps): update dependency globals to v15.14.0 by @renovate in #116
- chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3.4.2 by @renovate in #111
- chore(deps): update dependency release-it to v17.11.0 by @renovate in #117
- chore(deps): update eslint monorepo to v9.17.0 by @renovate in #118
- chore(deps): update github/accessibility-alt-text-bot action to v1.5.0 by @renovate in #112
- chore(deps): update joshuakgoldberg/all-contributors-auto-action action to v0.5.0 by @renovate in #119
- chore(deps): update node.js to v20.18.1 by @renovate in #120
- chore(deps): update dependency twitter-bootstrap to v5 by @renovate in #121
- chore(deps): update node.js to v22 by @renovate in #122
- chore(deps): update dependency lint-staged to v15.3.0 by @renovate in #123
- chore(deps): update node.js to v22.13.0 by @renovate in #125
- docs: add michaelfaith as a contributor for ideas by @allcontributors in #127
- chore(deps): update dependency release-it to v18 by @renovate in #126
- chore(deps): update github/accessibility-alt-text-bot action to v1.6.0 by @renovate in #128
- chore(deps): update dependency @release-it/conventional-changelog to v10 by @renovate in #129
- feat: migrate to TypeScript by @michaelfaith in #110
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.7.3...v0.8.0
What's Changed
- fix: add support for catalog:, npm:, and workspace: protocol by @michaelfaith in #103
Full Changelog: v0.7.2...v0.7.3
What's Changed
- docs: add rgant as a contributor for bug by @allcontributors in #102
- chore: add .github/renovate.json by @JoshuaKGoldberg in #105
- fix: exclude demo from published package by @michaelfaith in #104
New Contributors
- @michaelfaith made their first contribution in #104
Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.2
What's Changed
- docs: add de-don as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #99
- fix: add bin key back to package.json by @rgant in #101
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1
What's Changed
- docs: change repo name to package-json-validator by @JoshuaKGoldberg in #98
- feat: migrate to yargs by @de-don in #94
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.6.8...v0.7.0
Full Changelog: v0.6.7...v0.6.8
Full Changelog: v0.6.6...v0.6.7
What's Changed
- add syntax highlighting to readme by @amilajack in #64
- Fix npm package.json documentation URL by @vkrol in #73
- fix: remove references to expired domain by @JoshuaKGoldberg in #77
- added additional example for better understanding in by @anudeep586 in #74
- docs: remove 404ing CircleCI image by @JoshuaKGoldberg in #83
- fix: don't require version or name if package has "private": true by @hyoban in #87
- chore: migrate to create-typescript-app by @JoshuaKGoldberg in #89
- docs: add joshuakgoldberg as a contributor for tool by @allcontributors in #95
- fix: also check peerDependencies for valid semver by @JoshuaKGoldberg in #96
New Contributors
- @amilajack made their first contribution in #64
- @vkrol made their first contribution in #73
- @JoshuaKGoldberg made their first contribution in #77
- @anudeep586 made their first contribution in #74
- @hyoban made their first contribution in #87
- @allcontributors made their first contribution in #95
Full Changelog: v0.6.3...v0.6.6