Sno: | Program | Code |
1 | factorial of a number | code |
2 | Largest of N numbers | code |
3 | Swap two values | code |
4 | Odd or Even | code |
5 | Sum of three numbers | code |
Sno: | Scheduling Method | Code |
1 | First Come First Serve | code |
2 | Shortest Job First | code |
3 | Priority Scheduling | code |
4 | Round Robin | code |
Sno: | Problem | Code |
1 | Producer Consumer Problem | code |
2 | Reader Writers problem | code |
3 | Banker's Algorithm | code |
Sno: | allocation Method | Code |
1 | First Fit | code |
2 | Best Fit | code |
2 | Worst Fit | code |
Sno: | Replacement Algorithm | Code |
1 | First in First out | code |