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Julexar edited this page Mar 3, 2023 · 10 revisions

Encounter Commands

!enc - Pulls up the Encounter Menu

--create {Insert Name} - Creates an Encounter and pulls up the Edit Menu

   --{Insert Name/Number} - Shows the specifics of an Encounter by Name/Number
       --edit - Edit a specific Encounter
           --name {Insert Name} - Change the name of the Encounter
           --party {Insert Party name} - Selects a Party
               --add/rem --name/id {Insert Character Name/ID} - Adds/Removes a Character
           --cr min/max {Insert min/max CR} - Change the min/max CR of the Monsters in the Encounter
           --monster - Edits a Monster
               --add/rem {Insert existing Monster Name} --amount {Insert Number} - Adds/Removes a Monster
               --{Insert existing Monster Name} - Edits a Monster inside the Encounter
           --loot - Edits Loot Table
               --add {Insert Item Name} --amount {Insert Amount} - Adds an item to the loot table
               --rem {Insert Item Name} --amount {Insert Amount} - Removes an item from the loot table
               --money {PP/GP/SP/CP} --add/rem --amount {Insert Amount} - Adds Currency
               --{Insert existing Item Name} - Edits an Item inside the Encounter
       --genloot {Insert amount} - Generates Loot
           --overwrite true/false - Specifies if the old loot table should be replaced (Default: true)
       --loot - Shows the Loot table
       --monsters - Shows a list of all Monsters
       --submit - Finishes the encounter creation and creates Monsters as well as a Handout for loot
           --ignorecr - Ignores the minimum and maximum CR when making the Monsters
       --delete - Deletes the Encounter

--reset - Resets the encounter to the default

Monster Commands

!monster - Pulls up the Monster Menu

--new {Insert Monster name} - Creates a new Monster

--{Insert Monster name} - Selects a specific Monster

   --edit - Pulls up the Monster Editor
       --name {Insert Name} - Sets the Name of the Monster
       --type {Insert Type} - Sets the Monster's type
       --ac {Insert Numer} --type {Insert AC Type} - Sets the Monster's AC
       --hp {Insert Number} - Sets the Monster's HP
       --speed {Insert Speed} - Sets the Monster's Speed
       --attr {Insert Attribute} --{Insert value} - Edits the Attribute of a Monster
       --save {Insert Attribute} --{Insert value} - Edits the save bonus of a Monster
       --saveadd {Insert Attribute} --{Insert value} - Adds a save to the Monster
       --saverem {Insert Attribute} - Removes a save from the Monster
       --skill {Insert Skill} --{Insert value} - Edits the skill bonus of a Monster
       --skilladd {Insert Skill} --{Insert value} - Adds a skill to the Monster
       --skillrem {Insert Skill} - Removes a skill from the Monster
       --vul {Insert Vulnerabilities} - Sets the Monster's Damage Vulnerabilities
       --res {Insert Resistances} - Sets the Monster's Resistances
       --dmg_immune {Insert Immunities} - Sets the Monster's Immunities
       --cond_immune {Insert Condition Immunities} - Sets the Monster's condition immunities
       --sense {Insert Senses} - Sets the Monster's Senses
       --lang {Insert Languages} - Sets the Monster's languages
       --cr {Insert Number} - Sets the Monster's CR
       --pb {Insert Number} - Sets the Monster's prof. bonus
       --caster true/false --{Insert Ability} --lvl {Insert number} - Sets whether the Monster can cast Spells and the spellcasting ability and caster lvl
       --spellmod {Insert number} - Sets the Monster's spell attack modifier
       --spelldc {Insert number} - Sets the Monster's spell save dc
       --ba true/false - Sets whether the Monster has Bonus Actions
       --react true/false - Sets whether the Monster has Reactions
       --legendact {Insert Number} - Sets the Monster's Number of Legendary Actions
       --myth true/false --desc {Insert description} - Sets whether the Monster has Mythic Actions and sets the description
       --traits - Pulls up the trait editor
           --{Insert Trait name} - Selects a specific trait
               --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the name of a trait
               --setdesc {Insert Desc} - Sets the description of a trait
           --add {Insert Trait name} --desc {Insert desc} - Adds a trait
           --rem {Insert Trait name} - Removes a trait
       --bonusactions - Pulls up the Bonus action editor
           --{Insert Bonus action name} - Selects a specific bonus action
               --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the name of a bonus action
               --setdesc {Insert Desc} - Sets the Description of a bonus action
               --toggleatk - Toggles the bonus action to be an attack
               --setrange {Insert range} - Sets the range of the attack
               --settohit {Insert to hit} - Sets the to hit bonus of the attack
               --setdmg {Insert damage dice} --type {Insert damage type} - Sets the damage dice and type of the bonus action
               --setatktype Melee/Ranged - Sets the attack to me a Melee or Ranged Attack
           --add {Insert Bonus action name} - adds a bonus action
           --rem {Insert Bonus action name} - removes a bonus action
       --actions - Pulls up the Action Editor
           --{Insert Action name} - Selects a specific action
               --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the name of an Action
               --setdesc {Insert Desc} - Sets the Description of an Action
               --toggleatk - Toggles the Action to have an Attack
               --setrange {Insert range} - Sets the Range of the Attack
               --settohit {Insert to hit} - Sets the to hit bonus of the attack
               --setdmg {Insert damage dice} --type {Insert damage type} - Sets the damage and damage type of an Action
               --setatktype Melee/Ranged - Sets the attack to me a Melee or Ranged Attack
           --add {Insert Action name} - adds an action
           --rem {Insert action name} - removes an action
       --reactions - Pulls up the reaction editor
           --{Insert Reaction name} - Selects a specific reaction
               --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the name of a Reaction
               --setdesc {Insert Desc} - Sets the Description of a Reaction
           --add {Insert Reaction name} - adds a reaction
               --desc {Insert Desc} - Sets the description
           --rem {Insert Reaction name} - removes a reaction
       --legend_actions - pulls up the legendary actions editor
           --{Insert Leg. Action name} - Selects a specific legendary action
               --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the name of a legendary Action
               --setdesc {Insert Desc} - Sets the Description of a legendary Action
               --toggleatk - Toggels the legendary Action to have an Attack
               --setrange {Insert range} - Sets the Range of the Attack
               --settohit {Insert to hit} - Sets the to hit bonus of the attack
               --setdmg {Insert damage dice} --type {Insert damage type} - Sets the damage and damage type of a legendary Action
               --setatktype Melee/Ranged - Sets the attack to me a Melee or Ranged Attack
           --add {Insert Leg. Action name} - Adds a legendary action
           --rem {Insert Leg. Action name} - Removes a legendary action
       --mythic_actions - pulls up the mythic action editor
           --{Insert myth. Action name} - Selects a specific mythic action
               --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the name of a mythic Action
               --setdesc {Insert Desc} - Sets the Description of a mythic Action
               --toggleatk - Toggles the mythic Action to have an Attack
               --setrange {Insert range} - Sets the range of the Attack
               --settohit {Insert to hit} - Sets the to hit bonus of the attack
               --setdmg {Insert damage dice} --type {Insert damage type} - Sets the damage and damage type of a mythic Action
               --setatktype Melee/Ranged - Sets the attack to me a Melee or Ranged Attack
           --add {Insert Myth. Action name} - Adds a mythic action
           --rem {Insert Myth. Action name} - Removes a mythic action
   --del - Deletes the Monster
   --reset - Resets the monster to the defaults

Party Commands

!party - pulls up the Party Menu

--new {Insert Name} - creates a new Party

--{Insert Party name} - Selects a Party

   --add --name/id/sel {Insert Character Name/ID OR select Character Token} - Adds a Character to the Party
   --rem --name/id/sel {Insert Character Name/ID OR select Character Token} - Removes a Character from the Party
   --del - Deletes the Party
       --confirm - Permanently deletes the Party
       --cancel - Cancels the Deletion
   --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the Name of the Party

Loot Commands

!loot - Pulls up the Loot Menu

--new {Insert Item Name} - Creates a new Item on the Loot Table

   --value {Insert Number} - Sets the Value of the Item
   --desc {Insert Text} - Sets the Description of the Item
   --rarity {Insert Rarity} - Sets the Rarity* of the Item
   --type {Insert Item Type} - Sets the Type* of the Item

--rem {Insert Item Name} - Removes an Item from the Loot Table

--{Insert Item Name} - Views a specific Item

   --edit --{Insert Item Name} - Pulls up the Item Editor
       --name {Insert Name} - Edits the Name of the Item
       --value {Insert Number} - Edits the Value of the Item
       --desc {Insert Desc} - Edits the Description of the Item
       --rarity {Insert Rarity} - Edits the Rarity* of the Item
       --type {Insert Item Type} - Edits the Type* of the Item
       --attack {true/false} - Toggles the Item to have an attack
       --damage {Insert damage} --type {Insert damage type} - Edits the damage of the Item Attack
       --secdamage {Insert damage} --type {Insert damage type} - Edits the secondary damage of the Item Attack
       --tohit {Insert number} - Edits the To Hit bonus of the Item Attack
       --magic {0/1/2/3} - Edits the magic bonus of the Item Attack
       --confirm - Confirms the edits and applies them

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