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add fast QL(incomplete)
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Tao Chen authored and Tao Chen committed Jan 6, 2025
1 parent b839474 commit 6179eb9
Showing 1 changed file with 109 additions and 0 deletions.
109 changes: 109 additions & 0 deletions test/explore_QL.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
using PiecewiseOrthogonalPolynomials, Plots, BlockArrays
using MatrixFactorizations, LinearAlgebra, BlockBandedMatrices
# QL
function my_ql(A::BBBArrowheadMatrix{T}) where T
m,n = size(A.A)
l = length(A.D)
m2, n2 = size(A.D[1])
@assert m == n == l+1
@assert m2 == n2
#results stored in F and tau
F = BlockedArray(Matrix(A), axes(A))
tau = zeros(m+l*m2)
for j in m2:-1:3
for i in l:-1:1
upper_entry = F[Block(j-1, j+1)][i, i] #A.D[i][j-2,j]
dia_entry = F[Block(j+1, j+1)][i, i] #A.D[i][j,j]
#perform Householder transformation
dia_entry_new = -sign(dia_entry)*sqrt(dia_entry^2 + upper_entry^2)
v = [upper_entry, dia_entry-dia_entry_new]
coef = 2/(v[1]^2+v[2]^2)
#denote the householder transformation as [c1 s1;c2 s2]
c1 = 1 - coef * v[1]^2
s1 = - coef * v[1] * v[2]
c2 = s1
s2 = 1 - coef * v[2]^2
F[m+(j-1)*l+i, m+(j-1)*l+i] = dia_entry_new #update F[Block(j+1, j+1)][i, i]
F[m+(j-3)*l+i, m+(j-1)*l+i] = v[1]/v[2] #update F[Block(j-1, j+1)][i, i]
tau[m+(j-1)*l+i] = coef*v[2]^2
#row recombination(householder transformation) for other columns
current_upper_entry = F[Block(j-1, j-1)][i, i] #A.D[i][j-2,j-2]
current_lower_entry = F[Block(j+1, j-1)][i, i] #A.D[i][j,j-2]
F[m+(j-3)*l+i, m+(j-3)*l+i] = c1 * current_upper_entry + s1 * current_lower_entry #update F[Block(j-1, j-1)][i, i]
F[m+(j-1)*l+i, m+(j-3)*l+i] = c2 * current_upper_entry + s2 * current_lower_entry #update F[Block(j+1, j-1)][i, i]
if j >= 5
#Deal with A.D blocks which do not share common rows with A.C
current_entry = F[Block(j-1, j-3)][i, i] #A.D[i][j-2,j-4]
F[m+(j-3)*l+i, m+(j-5)*l+i] = c1 * current_entry #update F[Block(j-1, j-3)][i, i]
F[m+(j-1)*l+i, m+(j-5)*l+i] = c2 * current_entry #update F[Block(j+1, j-3)][i, i]
#Deal with A.D blocks which share common rows with A.C
current_entry = F[Block(j-1, 1)][i, i] #A.C[j-2][i,i]
F[m+(j-3)*l+i, i] = c1 * current_entry #update F[Block(j-1, 1)][i, i]
F[m+(j-1)*l+i, i] = c2 * current_entry #update F[Block(j+1, 1)][i, i]

current_entry = F[Block(j-1, 1)][i, i+1] #A.C[j-2][i,i+1]
F[m+(j-3)*l+i, i+1] = c1 * current_entry #update F[Block(j-1, 1)][i, i+1]
F[m+(j-1)*l+i, i+1] = c2 * current_entry #F[Block(j+1, 1)][i, i+1]

#Deal with Block(1,3)
#vectors x and Lambda denote a rank 1 semiseperable matrix
lambda = 1.0
Lambda = []
x = [F[Block(1,3)][l+1,l]]
x_len = abs(x[1])
for i in l:-1:2 #consider i=1 later
a = F[Block(1,3)][i,i]
b = F[Block(1,3)][i,i-1]
c = F[Block(3,3)][i,i]
v_last = c + sign(c) * sqrt(a^2 + lambda^2 * x_len^2 + c^2)
v_len = sqrt(a^2 + lambda^2 * x_len^2 + v_last^2)
F[m+l+i,m+l+i] = -sign(c) * sqrt(a^2 + lambda^2 * x_len^2 + c^2)
pushfirst!(Lambda, lambda / v_last)
lambda = -2/v_len^2 * a * b * lambda
F[m+l+i, m+l+i-1] = -2/v_len^2 * v_last * a * b
x_first = (1 - 2/v_len^2 * a^2) * b / lambda
pushfirst!(x, x_first)
x_len = sqrt(x_len^2 + x_first^2)
#record information of V
F[i+1, m+l+i] = 0
F[i, m+l+i] = a / v_last
tau[m+l+i] = 2 * v_last^2 / v_len^2
#deal with the last column in Block(1,3)
a = F[Block(1,3)][1,1]
c = F[Block(3,3)][1,1]
v_last = c + sign(c) * sqrt(a^2 + lambda^2 * x_len^2 + c^2)
v_len = sqrt(a^2 + lambda^2 * x_len^2 + v_last^2)
pushfirst!(Lambda, lambda / v_last)
F[m+l+1,m+l+1] = -sign(c) * sqrt(a^2 + lambda^2 * x_len^2 + c^2)
F[2, m+l+1] = 0
F[1, m+l+1] = a / v_last
tau[m+l+1] = 2 * v_last^2 / v_len^2

F, tau, x, Lambda

𝐗 = range(-1,1; length=10)
C = ContinuousPolynomial{1}(𝐗)

M = C'C
#M = grammatrix(C)
Δ = weaklaplacian(C)
N = 6
KR = Block.(Base.OneTo(N))
Mₙ = M[KR,KR]
Δₙ = Δ[KR,KR]
A = Δₙ + 100^2 * Mₙ
FF,ttau, xx, LLambda = my_ql(A)
#tau = ql(A).τ
#f = ql(A).factors

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