GtkObservables v1.1.0
Closed issues:
- GLib-GObject-CRITICAL error in drawing.jl (#2)
- Documentation link in README goes nowhere. (#3)
- TagBot trigger issue (#6)
- Issue with vertical slider ? (#10)
- how to draw an img in a given area (#11)
KeyError when setting active item; observable updates but element does not (#14)- Label docs say you can use
to update it, but doesn't work (#20)
Merged pull requests:
- Switch to github actions for CI (#1) (@timholy)
- Require Observables 0.4 & improve inference/specialization (#5) (@timholy)
- MassInstallAction: Install the TagBot workflow on this repository (#7) (@timholy)
- MassInstallAction: Install the Documenter workflow on this repository (#8) (@timholy)
- Update CI badge (#9) (@timholy)
- Switch to linux for docdeploy (#12) (@timholy)
- Update link to Observables docs (#13) (@BioTurboNick)
- Adds support for append!/empty! for ComboBox (#15) (@BioTurboNick)
- Get rid of precompile asserts (#16) (@timholy)
- Fix old references to GtkReactive (#22) (@BioTurboNick)