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rbSparky committed Aug 25, 2024
1 parent d136de0 commit 4b32e2f
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Showing 2 changed files with 129 additions and 3 deletions.
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions GNNLux/src/layers/conv.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -666,11 +666,8 @@ function (l::NNConv)(g, x, edge_weight, ps, st)
return y, stnew

LuxCore.outputsize(d::NNConv) = (d.out_dims,)

function, l::NNConv)
print(io, "NNConv($(l.nn)")
print(io, ", $(l.ϵ)")
l.σ == identity || print(io, ", ", l.σ)
l.use_bias || print(io, ", use_bias=false")
l.add_self_loops || print(io, ", add_self_loops=false")
Expand Down
129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions temp.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@

using StableRNGs
using LuxTestUtils: test_gradients, AutoReverseDiff, AutoTracker, AutoForwardDiff, AutoEnzyme

using Lux: Lux, Chain, Dense, GRUCell,
glorot_uniform, zeros32 ,

import Reexport: @reexport

@reexport using Test
@reexport using GNNLux
@reexport using Lux
@reexport using StableRNGs
@reexport using Random, Statistics

using LuxTestUtils: test_gradients, AutoReverseDiff, AutoTracker, AutoForwardDiff, AutoEnzyme

rng = StableRNG(1234)
edim = 10
g = rand_graph(10, 40)
in_dims = 3
out_dims = 5
x = randn(Float32, in_dims, 10)

g2 = GNNGraph(g, edata = rand(Float32, edim, g.num_edges))

@testset "GINConv" begin
nn = Chain(Dense(in_dims => out_dims, relu), Dense(out_dims => out_dims))
l = GINConv(nn, 0.5)
test_lux_layer(rng, l, g, x, sizey=(out_dims,g.num_nodes), container=true)

function test_lux_layer(rng::AbstractRNG, l, g::GNNGraph, x;
outputsize=nothing, sizey=nothing, container=false,
atol=1.0f-2, rtol=1.0f-2, edge_weight=nothing)

if container
@test l isa GNNContainerLayer
@test l isa GNNLayer

ps = LuxCore.initialparameters(rng, l)
st = LuxCore.initialstates(rng, l)
@test LuxCore.parameterlength(l) == LuxCore.parameterlength(ps)
@test LuxCore.statelength(l) == LuxCore.statelength(st)

if edge_weight !== nothing
y, st′ = l(g, x, edge_weight, ps, st)
y, st′ = l(g, x, ps, st)
@test eltype(y) == eltype(x)
if outputsize !== nothing
@test LuxCore.outputsize(l) == outputsize
if sizey !== nothing
@test size(y) == sizey
elseif outputsize !== nothing
@test size(y) == (outputsize..., g.num_nodes)

loss = (x, ps) -> sum(first(l(g, x, ps, st)))
test_gradients(loss, x, ps; atol, rtol, skip_backends=[AutoReverseDiff(), AutoTracker(), AutoForwardDiff(), AutoEnzyme()])

MEGNetConv{Flux.Chain{Tuple{Flux.Dense{typeof(relu), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Flux.Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}}, Flux.Chain{Tuple{Flux.Dense{typeof(relu), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}, Flux.Dense{typeof(identity), Matrix{Float32}, Vector{Float32}}}}, typeof(mean)}(Chain(Dense(9 => 5, relu), Dense(5 => 5)), Chain(Dense(8 => 5, relu), Dense(5 => 5)), Statistics.mean)

g = rand_graph(10, 40, seed=1234)
in_dims = 3
out_dims = 5
x = randn(Float32, in_dims, 10)
rng = StableRNG(1234)
l = MEGNetConv(in_dims => out_dims)
l isa GNNContainerLayer
test_lux_layer(rng, l, g, x, sizey=((out_dims, g.num_nodes), (out_dims, g.num_edges)), container=true)

ps = LuxCore.initialparameters(rng, l)
st = LuxCore.initialstates(rng, l)
edata = rand(T, in_channel, g.num_edges)

(x_new, e_new), st_new = l(g, x, ps, st)

@test size(x_new) == (out_dims, g.num_nodes)
@test size(e_new) == (out_dims, g.num_edges)

edim = 10
in_dims = 3 # Example
out_dims = 5 # Example
using Flux
g2 = GNNGraph(g, edata = rand(Float32, edim, g.num_edges))
nn = Dense(edim, out_dims * in_dims)
l = NNConv(in_dims => out_dims, nn, tanh)
test_lux_layer(rng, l, g2, x, sizey=(out_dims, g2.num_nodes), container=true, edge_weight=g2.edata.e)

hin = 6
hout = 7
hidden = 8
l = EGNNConv(hin => hout, hidden)
ps = LuxCore.initialparameters(rng, l)
st = LuxCore.initialstates(rng, l)
h = randn(rng, Float32, hin, g.num_nodes)
(hnew, xnew), stnew = l(g, h, x, ps, st)
@test size(hnew) == (hout, g.num_nodes)
@test size(xnew) == (in_dims, g.num_nodes)

l = MEGNetConv(in_dims => out_dims)
l isa GNNContainerLayer
test_lux_layer(rng, l, g, x, sizey=((out_dims, g.num_nodes), (out_dims, g.num_edges)), container=true)

ps = LuxCore.initialparameters(rng, l)
st = LuxCore.initialstates(rng, l)

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