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DilumAluthge committed Oct 31, 2024
1 parent 2ac10ef commit 3a64df6
Showing 1 changed file with 183 additions and 183 deletions.
366 changes: 183 additions & 183 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,189 +59,189 @@ function remove_llvmextras(project_file)

@testset "PackageCompiler.jl" begin
# @testset "create_sysimage" begin
# new_project = mktempdir()
# old_project = Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT[]
# Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT[] = new_project
# try
# Pkg.add("Example")
# finally
# Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT[] = old_project
# end
# tmp = mktempdir()
# sysimage_path = joinpath(tmp, "sys." * Libdl.dlext)
# script = tempname()
# write(script, """
# script_func() = println(\"I am a script\")
# opt_during_sysimage = Base.JLOptions().opt_level
# print_opt() = println("opt: -O\$opt_during_sysimage")
# """)
# create_sysimage(; sysimage_path=sysimage_path,
# project=new_project,
# precompile_execution_file=joinpath(@__DIR__, "precompile_execution.jl"),
# precompile_statements_file=joinpath.(@__DIR__, ["precompile_statements.jl",
# "precompile_statements2.jl"]),
# script=script,
# sysimage_build_args = `-O1`
# )

# # Check we can load sysimage and that Example is available in Main
# str = read(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) -J $(sysimage_path) -e 'println(Example.hello("foo")); script_func(); print_opt()'`, String)
# @test occursin("Hello, foo", str)
# @test occursin("I am a script", str)
# @test occursin("opt: -O1", str)
# end # testset

# @testset "create_app" begin
# # Test creating an app
# app_source_dir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "examples/MyApp/")
# app_compiled_dir = joinpath(tmp, "MyAppCompiled")
# if is_slow_ci
# incrementals_list = (true, false)
# else
# incrementals_list = (true, false)
# end
# @testset for incremental in incrementals_list
# if incremental == false
# if is_slow_ci
# @warn "Skipping the (incremental=false, filter_stdlibs=false) test because this is \"slow CI\""
# @test_skip false
# filter_stdlibs = (true,)
# else
# filter_stdlibs = (true, false)
# end
# else
# filter_stdlibs = (false,)
# end
# @testset for filter in filter_stdlibs
# @info "starting: create_app testset" incremental filter
# tmp_app_source_dir = joinpath(tmp, "MyApp")
# cp(app_source_dir, tmp_app_source_dir)
# if is_gha_ci && (is_julia_1_6 || is_julia_1_9)
# # Julia 1.6: Issue #706 "Cannot locate artifact 'LLVMExtra'" on 1.6 so remove.
# # Julia 1.9: There's no GitHub Issue, but it seems we hit a similar problem.
# @test_skip false
# remove_llvmextras(joinpath(tmp_app_source_dir, "Project.toml"))
# end
# try
# create_app(tmp_app_source_dir, app_compiled_dir; incremental=incremental, force=true, filter_stdlibs=filter, include_lazy_artifacts=true,
# precompile_execution_file=joinpath(app_source_dir, "precompile_app.jl"),
# executables=["MyApp" => "julia_main",
# "SecondApp" => "second_main",
# "ReturnType" => "wrong_return_type",
# "Error" => "erroring",
# "Undefined" => "undefined",
# ])
# finally
# rm(tmp_app_source_dir; recursive=true)
# # Get rid of some local state
# rm(joinpath(new_depot, "packages"); recursive=true, force=true)
# rm(joinpath(new_depot, "compiled"); recursive=true, force=true)
# rm(joinpath(new_depot, "artifacts"); recursive=true, force=true)
# end # try
# app_path(app_name) = abspath(app_compiled_dir, "bin", app_name * (Sys.iswindows() ? ".exe" : ""))
# app_output = read(`$(app_path("MyApp")) I get --args --julia-args --threads=3 --check-bounds=yes -O1`, String)

# # Check stdlib filtering
# if filter == true
# @test !(occursin("LinearAlgebra", app_output))
# else
# @test occursin("LinearAlgebra", app_output)
# end
# # Check dependency run
# @test occursin("Example.domath", app_output)
# @test occursin("Base.PROGRAM_FILE = $(repr(app_path("MyApp")))", app_output)
# # Check jll package runs
# @test occursin("Hello, World!", app_output)
# # Check artifact runs
# @test occursin("Artifact printed: Hello, World!", app_output)
# # Check artifact gets run from the correct place
# @test occursin("HelloWorld artifact at $(realpath(app_compiled_dir))", app_output)
# # Check ARGS
# @test occursin("""ARGS = ["I", "get", "--args"]""", app_output)
# # Check julia-args
# @test occursin("(Base.JLOptions()).opt_level = 1", app_output)
# @test occursin("(Base.JLOptions()).nthreads = 3", app_output)
# @test occursin("(Base.JLOptions()).check_bounds = 1", app_output)
# # Check transitive inclusion of dependencies
# @test occursin("is_crayons_loaded() = true", app_output)
# # Check app is precompiled in a normal process
# @test occursin("outputo: ok", app_output)
# @test occursin("myrand: ok", app_output)
# # Check distributed
# @test occursin("n = 20000000", app_output)
# @test occursin("From worker 2:\t8", app_output)
# @test occursin("From worker 3:\t8", app_output)
# @test occursin("From worker 4:\t8", app_output)
# @test occursin("From worker 5:\t8", app_output)

# if is_julia_1_6 || is_julia_1_9
# # Julia 1.6: Issue #706 "Cannot locate artifact 'LLVMExtra'" on 1.6 so remove.
# # Julia 1.9: There's no GitHub Issue, but it seems we hit a similar problem.
# @test_skip false
# else
# @test occursin("LLVMExtra path: ok!", app_output)
# end
# @test occursin("micromamba_jll path: ok!", app_output)

# # Test second app
# app_output = read(`$(app_path("SecondApp"))`, String)
# @test occursin("Hello from second main", app_output)

# io = IOBuffer()
# p = run(pipeline(ignorestatus(`$(app_path("ReturnType"))`), stderr=io;))
# @test occursin("ERROR: expected a Cint return value from function MyApp.wrong_return_type", String(take!(io)))
# @test p.exitcode == 1

# io = IOBuffer()
# p = run(pipeline(ignorestatus(`$(app_path("Error"))`), stderr=io;))
# @test occursin("MethodError: no method matching +(", String(take!(io)))
# @test p.exitcode == 1

# io = IOBuffer()
# p = run(pipeline(ignorestatus(`$(app_path("Undefined"))`), stderr=io;))
# str = String(take!(io))
# @test all(occursin(str), ["UndefVarError:", "undefined", "not defined"])
# @test p.exitcode == 1
# @info "done: create_app testset" incremental filter
# end
# end
# end # testset

# if !is_slow_ci
# # Test library creation
# lib_source_dir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "examples/MyLib")
# lib_target_dir = joinpath(tmp, "MyLibCompiled")

# # This is why we have to skip this test on 1.12:
# incremental = false

# filter = true
# lib_name = "inc"

# tmp_lib_src_dir = joinpath(tmp, "MyLib")
# cp(lib_source_dir, tmp_lib_src_dir)
# create_library(tmp_lib_src_dir, lib_target_dir; incremental=incremental, force=true, filter_stdlibs=filter,
# precompile_execution_file=joinpath(lib_source_dir, "build", "generate_precompile.jl"),
# precompile_statements_file=joinpath(lib_source_dir, "build", "additional_precompile.jl"),
# lib_name=lib_name, version=v"1.0.0")
# rm(tmp_lib_src_dir; recursive=true)
# end

# # Test creating an empty sysimage
# if !is_slow_ci
# tmp = mktempdir()
# sysimage_path = joinpath(tmp, "empty." * Libdl.dlext)
# foreach(x -> touch(joinpath(tmp, x)), ["Project.toml", "Manifest.toml"])

# # This is why we need to skip this test on 1.12:
# incremental=false

# create_sysimage(String[]; sysimage_path=sysimage_path, incremental=incremental, filter_stdlibs=true, project=tmp)
# hello = read(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) -J $(sysimage_path) -e 'print("hello, world")'`, String)
# @test hello == "hello, world"
# end
@testset "create_sysimage" begin
new_project = mktempdir()
old_project = Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT[]
Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT[] = new_project
Base.ACTIVE_PROJECT[] = old_project
tmp = mktempdir()
sysimage_path = joinpath(tmp, "sys." * Libdl.dlext)
script = tempname()
write(script, """
script_func() = println(\"I am a script\")
opt_during_sysimage = Base.JLOptions().opt_level
print_opt() = println("opt: -O\$opt_during_sysimage")
create_sysimage(; sysimage_path=sysimage_path,
precompile_execution_file=joinpath(@__DIR__, "precompile_execution.jl"),
precompile_statements_file=joinpath.(@__DIR__, ["precompile_statements.jl",
sysimage_build_args = `-O1`

# Check we can load sysimage and that Example is available in Main
str = read(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) -J $(sysimage_path) -e 'println(Example.hello("foo")); script_func(); print_opt()'`, String)
@test occursin("Hello, foo", str)
@test occursin("I am a script", str)
@test occursin("opt: -O1", str)
end # testset

@testset "create_app" begin
# Test creating an app
app_source_dir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "examples/MyApp/")
app_compiled_dir = joinpath(tmp, "MyAppCompiled")
if is_slow_ci
incrementals_list = (true, false)
incrementals_list = (true, false)
@testset for incremental in incrementals_list
if incremental == false
if is_slow_ci
@warn "Skipping the (incremental=false, filter_stdlibs=false) test because this is \"slow CI\""
@test_skip false
filter_stdlibs = (true,)
filter_stdlibs = (true, false)
filter_stdlibs = (false,)
@testset for filter in filter_stdlibs
@info "starting: create_app testset" incremental filter
tmp_app_source_dir = joinpath(tmp, "MyApp")
cp(app_source_dir, tmp_app_source_dir)
if is_gha_ci && (is_julia_1_6 || is_julia_1_9)
# Julia 1.6: Issue #706 "Cannot locate artifact 'LLVMExtra'" on 1.6 so remove.
# Julia 1.9: There's no GitHub Issue, but it seems we hit a similar problem.
@test_skip false
remove_llvmextras(joinpath(tmp_app_source_dir, "Project.toml"))
create_app(tmp_app_source_dir, app_compiled_dir; incremental=incremental, force=true, filter_stdlibs=filter, include_lazy_artifacts=true,
precompile_execution_file=joinpath(app_source_dir, "precompile_app.jl"),
executables=["MyApp" => "julia_main",
"SecondApp" => "second_main",
"ReturnType" => "wrong_return_type",
"Error" => "erroring",
"Undefined" => "undefined",
rm(tmp_app_source_dir; recursive=true)
# Get rid of some local state
rm(joinpath(new_depot, "packages"); recursive=true, force=true)
rm(joinpath(new_depot, "compiled"); recursive=true, force=true)
rm(joinpath(new_depot, "artifacts"); recursive=true, force=true)
end # try
app_path(app_name) = abspath(app_compiled_dir, "bin", app_name * (Sys.iswindows() ? ".exe" : ""))
app_output = read(`$(app_path("MyApp")) I get --args --julia-args --threads=3 --check-bounds=yes -O1`, String)

# Check stdlib filtering
if filter == true
@test !(occursin("LinearAlgebra", app_output))
@test occursin("LinearAlgebra", app_output)
# Check dependency run
@test occursin("Example.domath", app_output)
@test occursin("Base.PROGRAM_FILE = $(repr(app_path("MyApp")))", app_output)
# Check jll package runs
@test occursin("Hello, World!", app_output)
# Check artifact runs
@test occursin("Artifact printed: Hello, World!", app_output)
# Check artifact gets run from the correct place
@test occursin("HelloWorld artifact at $(realpath(app_compiled_dir))", app_output)
# Check ARGS
@test occursin("""ARGS = ["I", "get", "--args"]""", app_output)
# Check julia-args
@test occursin("(Base.JLOptions()).opt_level = 1", app_output)
@test occursin("(Base.JLOptions()).nthreads = 3", app_output)
@test occursin("(Base.JLOptions()).check_bounds = 1", app_output)
# Check transitive inclusion of dependencies
@test occursin("is_crayons_loaded() = true", app_output)
# Check app is precompiled in a normal process
@test occursin("outputo: ok", app_output)
@test occursin("myrand: ok", app_output)
# Check distributed
@test occursin("n = 20000000", app_output)
@test occursin("From worker 2:\t8", app_output)
@test occursin("From worker 3:\t8", app_output)
@test occursin("From worker 4:\t8", app_output)
@test occursin("From worker 5:\t8", app_output)

if is_julia_1_6 || is_julia_1_9
# Julia 1.6: Issue #706 "Cannot locate artifact 'LLVMExtra'" on 1.6 so remove.
# Julia 1.9: There's no GitHub Issue, but it seems we hit a similar problem.
@test_skip false
@test occursin("LLVMExtra path: ok!", app_output)
@test occursin("micromamba_jll path: ok!", app_output)

# Test second app
app_output = read(`$(app_path("SecondApp"))`, String)
@test occursin("Hello from second main", app_output)

io = IOBuffer()
p = run(pipeline(ignorestatus(`$(app_path("ReturnType"))`), stderr=io;))
@test occursin("ERROR: expected a Cint return value from function MyApp.wrong_return_type", String(take!(io)))
@test p.exitcode == 1

io = IOBuffer()
p = run(pipeline(ignorestatus(`$(app_path("Error"))`), stderr=io;))
@test occursin("MethodError: no method matching +(", String(take!(io)))
@test p.exitcode == 1

io = IOBuffer()
p = run(pipeline(ignorestatus(`$(app_path("Undefined"))`), stderr=io;))
str = String(take!(io))
@test all(occursin(str), ["UndefVarError:", "undefined", "not defined"])
@test p.exitcode == 1
@info "done: create_app testset" incremental filter
end # testset

if !is_slow_ci
# Test library creation
lib_source_dir = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "examples/MyLib")
lib_target_dir = joinpath(tmp, "MyLibCompiled")

# This is why we have to skip this test on 1.12:
incremental = false

filter = true
lib_name = "inc"

tmp_lib_src_dir = joinpath(tmp, "MyLib")
cp(lib_source_dir, tmp_lib_src_dir)
create_library(tmp_lib_src_dir, lib_target_dir; incremental=incremental, force=true, filter_stdlibs=filter,
precompile_execution_file=joinpath(lib_source_dir, "build", "generate_precompile.jl"),
precompile_statements_file=joinpath(lib_source_dir, "build", "additional_precompile.jl"),
lib_name=lib_name, version=v"1.0.0")
rm(tmp_lib_src_dir; recursive=true)

# Test creating an empty sysimage
if !is_slow_ci
tmp = mktempdir()
sysimage_path = joinpath(tmp, "empty." * Libdl.dlext)
foreach(x -> touch(joinpath(tmp, x)), ["Project.toml", "Manifest.toml"])

# This is why we need to skip this test on 1.12:

create_sysimage(String[]; sysimage_path=sysimage_path, incremental=incremental, filter_stdlibs=true, project=tmp)
hello = read(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) -J $(sysimage_path) -e 'print("hello, world")'`, String)
@test hello == "hello, world"

@testset "examples/MyLib" begin
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