This project is for a fictional massage website created using Create React App.
*[React-Icons] ''
*[Framer-Motion] ''
*[React-Modal] ''
*[Styled-Components] ''
*[React-Hook-Form] ''
*[React-Router-Dom] ''
Hosted on vercel - [Health & Wellness App ''
The project is a fictional responsive website that has 5 pages created using react. I learnt a significant amount of react creating this project including dynamic rendering, React-Hook-Form, react hooks, styled-components. While creating the site I created a data.js file to hold information which I would use in the making of the site. This help me in understanding more about higher order functions like and destructuring. I learnt that the index can be used as a parameter in higher order functions but not in regular array functions. The project also introduced me to React-Hook-Form and Framer motion which I hope to use in more projects. I also learnt about using videos as backgrounds and what videos are best suited for web, I used webm for this project. I hope to improve my understanding of react router and breaking components into smaller reusable components. I also learnt alot about responsive websites which I had little understanding prior to this project.
*[HealthLine Website] ''
*[Pexels Website] ''
*[w3schools Website] ''
*[Stack Overflow] ''