I'm Júlio César – Yes, just like the Roman emperor! 🏛️ Every day, I build my own empire of knowledge and technology. I'm a self-taught developer who loves automation, problem-solving, and continuous learning in various areas: programming, philosophy, physics, mathematics, and personal development. My goal? Becoming a Fullstack Developer! 🚀
Here, you’ll find my personal projects as I explore new technologies and grow every day! 💡
📖 These books shaped my learning journey and might help you too!
- Atomic Habits - James Clear
- Sophie's World - Jostein Gaarder
- Grokking Algorithms - Aditya Y. Bhargava
- Clean Code - Robert C. Martin
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist - David Beazley
💡 These courses have contributed a lot to my learning!
📫 Feel free to connect with me:
- 💼 LinkedIn: JulioCesar-X
- 🌍 Portfolio: Coming Soon
🔥 “Every day, I learn something new, and every line of code is a step forward!” 🚀