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Phil Shafer edited this page Jul 9, 2013 · 4 revisions

Using slaxproc

The slaxproc command line utility can be used to invoke SLAX scripts, check SLAX syntax, and convert between SLAX and XSLT formats. slaxproc can also reformat SLAX scripts into a standard format.


slaxproc using options to control which mode of operation is used. The modes are exclusive.

  • --check OR -c: check syntax and content for a SLAX script
  • --format OR -F: format (pretty print) a SLAX script
  • --run OR -r: run a SLAX script (the default mode)
  • --slax-to-xslt OR -x: turn SLAX into XSLT
  • --xslt-to-slax OR -s: turn XSLT into SLAX

Read more in the docs.


  • --debug OR -d: enable the SLAX/XSLT debugger
  • --empty OR -E: give an empty document for input
  • --exslt OR -e: enable the EXSLT library
  • --help OR -h: display this help message
  • --html OR -H: Parse input data as HTML
  • --ignore-arguments: Do not process any further arguments
  • --include <dir> OR -I <dir>: search directory for includes/imports
  • --indent OR -g: indent output ala output-method/indent
  • --input <file> OR -i <file>: take input from the given file
  • --lib <dir> OR -L <dir>: search directory for extension libraries
  • --name <file> OR -n <file>: read the script from the given file
  • --no-randomize: do not initialize the random number generator
  • --output <file> OR -o <file>: make output into the given file
  • --param <name> <value> OR -a <name> <value>: pass parameters
  • --partial OR -p: allow partial SLAX input to --slax-to-xslt
  • --slax-output OR -S: Write the result using SLAX-style XML (braces, etc)
  • --trace <file> OR -t <file>: write trace data to a file
  • --verbose OR -v: enable debugging output (slaxLog())
  • --version OR -V: show version information (and exit)
  • --write-version <version> OR -w <version>: write in version

Read more in the docs.


The following command line invokes the script myscript.slax on the input file myinput.xml:

slaxproc myscript.slax myinput.xml

The following command line performs identically:

slaxproc -s myscript.xml -i myinput.xml

The order of the arguments does not matter:

slaxproc -i myinput.xml -s myscript.xml

Add the -g option to make "great looking output" by turning on the indent flag in the output-method statement:

slaxproc -g myscript.slax myinput.xml

Use the "-E" option to give the script an empty input document:

slaxproc -E myscript.slax

To reformat a SLAX script, use the -F flag:

slaxproc -F myscript.slax

To convert a SLAX script to XSLT, use the "-x" flag:

slaxproc -x myscript.slax formatted.slax
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