A Polymer Web Component for Miller columns (aka. Column View) with keyboard navigation.
Install the component using Bower:
bower install column-view --save
Import Web Components' polyfill:
<script src="bower_components/platform/platform.js"></script>
Import Custom Element:
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/column-view/dist/column-view.html">
Insert Custom Element
<column-view ondata="sourceFn"></column-view>
Set up your data source
<script type="text/javascript"> var data = { 0: {name: "root", childIDs: [1,2]}, // not vissible 1: {name: "Item 1", childIDs: [3,4,5]}, 2: {name: "Item 2"}, 3: {name: "Item 3"}, 4: {name: "Item 4"}, 5: {name: "Item 5"} }; function getChildren(selectedItem) { var children = selectedItem.childIDs.map(function(id) { var item = data[id]; return {name: item.name, value: id}; }); return children; } function sourceFn(ID, cb) { if (!ID) ID = 0; var selectedItem = data[ID]; if (selectedItem.childIDs) { cb({items: getChildren(selectedItem)}); } else { cb({dom: document.createTextNode("Preview: " + selectedItem.name)}) } } </script>
Attribute | Options | Default | Description |
ondata |
Function(String value, Function callback) | None. | A function to be called for each selected item. This function can either pass child items or an HTML element to the callback function. Callback: callback({dom: <HTMLElement>}) callback({items: [{name: <String>, value: <String, Number>}, ...]}) |
data |
JSON | None. | *work in progress* {"fruits": {"apple": "<b>Apple</b>", "grape": "<b>Grape</b>"}} |
path |
String | "" |
Defines the path of items the column-view is initialized with. When the element is ready the ondata method is called with each item ID. Each call results in a new column. IDs are speareated by / .Example: path="1/2/3" |
Method | Parameters | Returns | Description |
back() |
None. | Nothing. | Deselects last selected item |
Method | Returns | Description |
canMoveBack |
Boolean | ... |
Event | Description |
change |
Fires when selection changes. |
With is="column-view-back"
you can extend a button so that when you click it you move the selection one column to the left.
<button is="column-view-back" for="columnViewID">back</button>
<column-view id="columnViewID"></column-view>
Attribute | Options | Default | Description |
for |
ID | None. | The ID of a column-view |
- Install dependencies:
bower install
- Start development server:
(npm install polyserve -g
) - open http://localhost:8080/components/column-view/demo/demo.html
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D