- I am following a course on Udemy about Web Automation using Playwright. I am really enjoying it so far.
- I have even started to branch out into doing my own things. That's where the playstationTest.spec.js file came from.
- I thought to myself, "What could I test, that I would actually use?" This is what came to mind.
- I still have some learning to do when it comes to Playwright. But I will be updating this README.md file, as well as the GitHub repo as a whole.
- Let me know what you think, I would love to hear some feedback on things I might be able to do better.
- I built this application mostly on my own, besides the occasional StackOverflow question.
- I am currently working on refactoring and remaking this project from the ground up.
- I ran into an issue where I couldn't get the visual effects to work properly. Hence why I'm remaking this from the ground up.
- This application was built relatively recently (within the past year or two). It was built with the assistance of a bootcamp type class I took on Udemy.
- The class is called The Web Developer Bootcamp, and it is taught by a Bootcamp instructor by the name of Colt Steele.
- This application has taught me just about all I know about JavaScript. From the small, to the larger aspects of it.
- It was coded in HTML, CSS, JS, and we used MongoDB as the database framework, and I recently found it on one of my older hard drives and was able to import it to my GitHub.
- I just recently coded up this Snake Game in JavaScript.
- This game really put into perspective, things like the this.method() operator. It really is a smaller project, but it put a lot of things into perspective for me.
- I followed a (sort of) tutorial online. It was more so a programmers ASMR, and it gave me the idea to follow along and code something along with them.