This is a game idea I've had for a while, it's the idea to have a fully multiplayer game, except all the players are connected through P2P and only a randevou server/save data store and user management.
The game is to be a 2D community driven, highly moddable game with a creative and also survival gameplay. Imagine it as sharing a minecraft server with friends, except you can easily share trusted mods with your friends and automatically increase the fun!
You can contribute to this game idea in several ways:
- Leave your idea as an issue on this repo
- Fork this repo and make a pull request (for translations or improvements)
- Share it with others and get them to contribute if you can't
- Join my Discord to talk about/give ideas/contact/contribute
- Donate to me on PayPal
Contributors will be credited! Any help is appreciated!
These are the contribution types:
- Artists
- Developers (improvements)
- Translators
- Testers
- Donators
- Anyone else who has a significant contribution (ideas, etc.)
Currently the game is still in planning, but modding is planned, this section will be expanded once a concreate base for the game is established!
My schedule is quite full so I don't know how much I'll put into sharing on details, but I'll definitely keep you updated on any major changes!
- You can follow development on the Discord
- I might post on my Youtube channel too, don't miss out!
The game is open-source, including the server any paid content will be passed through our server/mods