This plugin allows for you to record a player that your AntiCheat has punished from your server and watch the hack at a later time. The hacker could be the only person online and you would still have video evidence of them hacking.
Premium AntiCheats:
Free AntiCheats:
Feel free to request other AntiCheats to be supported.
With this you can have video proof of someone hacking on your server when they appeal and claim to be "hitting grass"
Features Discord Integration. Optionally send a message to a Discord Channel whenever a recording is created.
Requires a supported AntiCheat and AdvancedReplay to be installed and running on your server.
NOTE: Your AntiCheat has to be configured to punish someone in order to record. If players never get punished you will not get a recording.
- Vulcan: Set
in Vulcan's config to "true" - Soaroma: Set
in Soaroma's config to "true" - Sparky: Set
in Sparky's config to "true"
For best results, follow this configuration guide for Advanced Replay:
Enable MySQL to store the files (This plugin can generate a lot of recordings if you have a lot of hackers. Depending on your recording length this can take up quite a bit of space.) In AdvancedReplay config.yml change the following values:
cleanup_replays: 10 # This makes replays delete when they're 10 days old
hide_players: true
reset_changes: true
real_changes: false
enabled: true
Overwrite: false #Should we overwrite a recording if a player did the same hack on the same date?
Check-Update: true #Be notified when this plugin updates
Nearby-Range: 30 #How far to look for nearby players to include in the recording? NOTE: The formula is 1/2 of what you put here in each. So it will be 15 blocks in each +x and -x for a total of 30 blocks, etc.
Recording-Length: 2 #Length in minutes of a recording. Recording will not be created until this time has passed from the start of a recording.
Disabled-Recordings: #Any checks you do not want to record. These are examples, replace/add as many as you want NOTE: Must be lowercase
- timer
- strafe
Disabled-Actions: #Themis Actions to disable, refer to Themis config.yml
- notify
Discord: # Send a recording notification to a Discord Channel
Enabled: true
Webhook: Enter webhook here
Avatar: #Default Vulcan avatar, feel free to change this
Username: VulcanReplay
Server-Name: Server
Most commands and permissions are handled by AdvancedReplay The only command AntiCheatReplay adds is a reload command
Basic usage:
/replay list Will print a list of recordings
/replay play <recording> Play a recording
/replay delete <recording> Deletes a recording
/replay reload vulcanreplay.reload Reload AntiCheatReplay
Recording does not show any mobs/entities other than Players. You may see a player take damage in a recording from what appears to be nothing, but it could be a mob. Again, this is an issue that the AdvancedReplay developer has to fix.
Please join my Discord to report any bugs here.
This plugin should be used in conjunction with the logs that are provided by your AntiCheat. This should not be your only proof that a player is hacking
- Create an Enum in
with the formatANTICHEAT(String name, String pluginName, Function checker, Function instantiator);
where ANTICHEAT is the Name of your AntiCheat, name should match ANTICHEAT, this is what gets reported to bStats.
is what your plugin is referred to internally and shows up as when you do /pl on a server.checker
can be null if you do not require any extra plugin for your AntiCheat to run. (Ignore ProtocolLib, we already require it).instantiator
should just call your Listener class. Example:ourAntiCheatListener::new
Create a Listener. In the package
This class must extends ListenerBase and implement Listener. View another Listener class to see how to build this out.
Final step: Add your plugin(s) as a softdepend in the