A smart contract to:
- Store and retrieve a value.
- Store a person and their favourite number
A python script to:
- Connect to a Blockchain
(Testnet, Mainnet)
- Get an account safely:
- From brownie if we want to test
- A real one via the config & .env file
- Deploy our contract
- Retrieve the initial stored value
- Create a new transaction to update the stored value
- Retrieve the new stored value
- Retrieve the most recent deployed contract
- Test if the deployment is correct
- Test if updating the value works correctly
To run the code there are some requirements. You must install:
Install pipx by running the following on the command line: python -m pip install --user pipx
then python3 -m pipx ensurepath
For more information check: Install pipx
Install Brownie by running the following on the command line: pip install eth-brownie
For more information check: Install Brownie
This is the Lesson 5 of the freeCodeCamp.org tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M576WGiDBdQ with more comments.