This library implements a simple but highly extensible plugin blogging system for Hunchentoot.
It uses its own custom handler to add routes but but you can still use hunchentoots define-easy-handler.
This is designed to be used with Sly/SLIME's remote connection ability, when you want to add a new entry you would open your ssh tunnel, connect with sly/slime and then compile your new entry straight into the source written on your own machine. Ofcourse you could use a makefile so that you can just deploy the image anywhere with all of your previous posts ready to go.
CL-BLOGGY is in use with its default theme @my blog
if you want to try it, clone the repo to quicklisp/local-projects, register local projects
(ql:quickload :cl-bloggy)
(in-package :cl-bloggy)
<compile the contents of src/test-server.lisp using sly/slime>
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