GSIS 20193313 Changhun Song
This program is developed by python 3.7 with anaconda3 in windows 10.
However, It may still works other platforms too without any additional libraries.
It uses two imported modules (csv, sys), but it is native libraries of Python3.7
So you don't need to install additional libraries for this program.
This is for IS521 activity1 to train how to use git and github.
This program developed on python 3.7, but it still works in the other python3 versions
- How to Use
- python3 [CSV_FILE] [COLUMN_NUM]
- COLUMN_NUM starts from 1, Not 0. (0 Column number will raise an error)
- Any errors will return exit code 1
Inefficiency : This program reads whole csv file twice (validating, column parsing)
- If we process raw string of file to extract column, this problem can be solved
Job in Functional way : Making target column by iterating all rows doesn't look like clean code. We can do it more simply and clearly with map function.
Simple Exception Handling
- There are lots of exception handling code which decreases readability of codes. We can make it much more contracted way
CSV Format RFC4180.
Test Data Set - From my Undergraduate Course "Big Data" Assignment Data
Python CSV Module