The kamp-ws-parent Maven project contains everything you need to build and deploy the kamp-ws-server. It was implemented in the course of the bachelor's thesis "KAMP for Build Avoidance on Generation of Documentation" by Milena Neumann ([email protected]).
| Because Palladio, KAMP4IS and some components they depend on are not Maven projects,
| these dependencies are contained in the repo folder.
| Before you can build the kamp-ws-parent project, you need to make sure these dependencies are in your local Maven repository.
| In order to do this, you can simply execute setup.bat, which installs all dependencies.
The kamp-ws-parent project has the following modules (in build order):
kamp-ws-server contains the implementation of the KAMP web service.
After compilation and unit tests passed, a WSDL file is generated from the Java sources
and placed into the target folder, together with a deployable WAR file.
kamp-ws-client uses the WSDL file mentioned above to automatically generate client classes for the web service.
These classes are put into a JAR.
Another Maven project can now add this artifact to its dependencies
and then use the API offered by the web service through this client.
kamp-ws-integration-test contains integration tests for the web service.
It automatically starts an Apache Tomcat server as a test environment
and then deploys the artifact of kamp-ws-server on it to run these tests.
kamp-ws-container puts the WAR file produced by kamp-ws-server into an Apache Tomcat environment.
The PCM of the xServer is added.
kamp-ws-server requires a Palladio Component Model. The models folder contains two PCMs:
xServer_test for testing purposes only.
It is used by kamp-ws-server and kamp-ws-integration-test
xServer The PCM of the PTV xServer.
It is used by kamp-ws-container.
| Sometimes, the Maven Tomcat plugin in the kamp-ws-server tests does not release port 8009 fast enough
| and the kamp-ws-integration-test can't start a Tomcat for its tests.
| If your build fails because of this, kill the respective process over the task manager
| and restart the build where it left off with the -rf command.
In order to start a kamp-ws-container, unpack the zip (which is located in kamp-ws-container\target) and execute the startup.bat in its bin folder. It will per default provide its WSDL at http://localhost:8080/kamp-ws/services/changeSpecificDependencies?wsdl