Releases: KFreon/CSharpImageLibrary
Nuget Release 4.2
DX10-Fixes V1
Fixed bug regarding DX10 loading when specifying MaxDimension.
- Save still not implemented for BC6 or BC7.
- TexArray not working yet.
BC6 and BC7 loading seems to work.
Saving doesn't right now.
Nuget Release 4.1.2
After the last "minor fix", here's another "minor" fix.
- Fixed #18 - Images could fail to load in other programs due to slightly too small filesize.
- Fixed #16 - Previews monochromatic - They were actually the 4x4 mipmap.
- Fixed #15 - Bulk Convert can now be used to bulk generate mips without recompression (use other Settings with caution, could force a recompress)
- *Fixed #14 *
-- Previews can still be dragged offscreen, but can be dragged back, or reset with Right Click. (Added hit detection outside image.
-- Image Dimension indicator size fixed so they no longer overlap or drift apart based on window size.
-- Preview Zoom quality can be set in the Settings panel. May allow seeing pixels more accurately.
-- Window now has minimum dimensions.
-- Bulk Convert panel size fixed to prevent random layout changes.
-- Loading errors should now be more useful.
Minor Bug Fix Release 4.1.1
Minor fix for the new feature in 4.1 where original data would be used as much as possible.
When saving to the same format, original data is simply copied where possible to reduce recompression artifacts and improve performance.
This build fixes a bug where the situations in which original data was used were more limited than intended.
Nuget Release 4.1
Support for large component DDS' (RGBA128, G16R16, etc)
Bunch of other changes and improvements.
NOTE that the API has changed a bit, sorry about that.
Nuget 4.0.2 Release
Fixed bugs in library including issues with scaling parameters (maxDimension).
Added some stuff to UI like Window background colour selection.
4.0 Split and Merge Addition
Added ability to save image channels as separate images.
Also added ability to merge images into a single image (point being if you have separate channels to merge back into a single image)
This release is good for those without Photoshop to reliably edit images with transparency.
- Load image you wish to edit.
- Split image into its channels (Convert panel)
- Edit each channel in whatever image editor you wish (note that each RGB channel must be equal i.e. image should stay grayscale. Maybe you can add each image as a colour channel?)
- Save each channel from your editor as separate images, then use "Merge Channels" in the ImageEngine to merge them back to a single image.
Nuget 4.0 and UI Release
Rewrote underlying engine for better performance.
Separated UI and Library.
Rewrote UI to look prettier and be better.
Nuget 3.2 Update
Fixed format detection for some formats.
Allowed disabling of threading.
UI fixes.
NOTE: WPF TypeConverters in the base library had a namespace change. This likely doesn't affect users of this library, but just in case.
Also retargetted to .NET 4.6.2.