Taxonomy Mining is a framework prototype to analyze solution space variability in Software Product Lines (SPLs). At the moment, SPL implementations in Java, C++ and Python are supported.
To run Taxonomy Mining, the following tools and packages are required:
- SrcML 1.0.0
- graphviz 8.0.3
- Python 3.11 with
- scikit-learn (1.1.3)
- numpy (1.23.4)
- jep (4.1.0)
- graphviz (0.20.1)
- ast2json (0.3)
- OpenJDK 19
- JavaFX 19
- Maven 3.8.8
In the project folder, run
mvn package
to build and package the application. To run the application, use the following command with the correct paths to JavaFX and jep:
java -p /opt/javafx-sdk- --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/jep -jar target/TaxonomyMining.jar
In the folder example, we provide four exemplary SPLs that we also used for evaluation. To generate the taxonomy graph, the SPLs must be copied to the folder mining_data/input located in the user directory. Then, restart the application, select all variant folders of a particular SPL (e.g. Stack/Stack_Logging) and click on Taxonomize. The taxonomy graph is then visualized in the Taxonomy tab pane. Note that the matching of refinements and feature presence conditions is not automated yet. To explore the variant ASTs and refinements, double-click the items in the output folder with the .tree extension.