NuFlux.jl is a package for providing neutrino flux related functionalities with focus on parsing the flux tables used in "Atmospheric neutrino flux calculation using the NRLMSISE-00 atmospheric model" (10.1103/PhysRevD.92.023004) which are provided under
To install NuFlux.jl
, clone this repo. Then open the Julia REPL as
julia --project=NuFlux.jl
Next step is to run the following command in the Julia REPL:
using Pkg
Then you are good to go to use NuFlux.jl
Here’s a simple example to get started with NuFlux.jl
. This example demonstrates how to load a flux table and calculate the flux for a given energy, zenith angle, and azimuth angle.
using NuFlux
# Load a flux table from a file, here we will use one of the default fluxes in the package, but you can use your own
NUFLUX_PATH = split(Base.pathof(NuFlux), "src")[1]
FLUX_DATA_DIR = joinpath(NUFLUX_PATH, "data")
flux_dict = NuFlux.readfluxfile(joinpath(FLUX_DATA_DIR, "frj-ally-20-12-solmin.d"))
# Select a specific flux table (e.g., for muon neutrinos)
muon_neutrino_flux = flux_dict[NuFlux.NUMU_PDGID] # We can use NuFlux defined variables which are just instances of particles from Corpuscles.jl
# Calculate the flux for a given energy, zenith angle, and azimuth angle
energy = 10.0 # Energy in GeV
cosθ = 0.5 # Cosine of the zenith angle
ϕ = 0.0 # Azimuth angle in radians
flux_value = NuFlux.flux(muon_neutrino_flux, energy, cosθ, ϕ; interpol=true)
println("Flux value: ", flux_value)