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Standecco edited this page Jul 13, 2019 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the ROKerbalism wiki!

Kerbalism 3.0: For Science!


Kerbalism introduces new game mechanics to Realism Overhaul that will change how you plan and execute missions in space, especially in RP-1 campaign games. Science isn't generated by clicking on a button anymore, it takes time and effort to complete experiments.


How does the new science system work? I can't figure it out!

  • It takes a while to get used to, and will change how you play. For a detailed guide, read the dedicated wiki page.

I think I have found a bug, and I have just a few mods installed

  • Try to reproduce it consistently, then provide us with reproduction steps that demonstrates the issue. You may be asked to supply log files, screen shots and maybe a save game. Post the report on the RO discord, or raise an issue on GitHub.

I want to add support for Kerbalism to my parts

I want to interact with Kerbalism in my code

  • Have a look at the API source code on GitHub. Raise an issue to request more functions.
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