This project contains an example KSP2 codeless parts pack with documentation and guides to help new modders learn to build their own parts packs
You will need this application installed on your computer to be able to make parts packs for KSP2 v0.1.5+
You will need this URL to install TK in your parts pack unity project. Without this, you would not be able to import the game into your parts pack or add any game modules to your parts. See Lux's Installing ThunderKit guide for details on how.
You will need to download the latest release and install it in your parts pack unity project. This is another must have for making KSP2 parts in unity. See Lux's Installing KSP2 Unity Tools guide for details on how.
If you want to make anything that will produce a plume (like an engine or an RCS block) then you'll need this. It's distributed as a *.unitypackage file, so installation is the same as with the KSP2 Unity Tools above.