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Updated intelligent code completion
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- Fixed a bug that caused certain completions to be generated outside of
function/event definitions when they should not. E.g. 'Game.' would
return functions from the 'Game' script when that should not happen.
- Added a check to make sure that the script that is being edited is
actually a file and not just a buffer.
  • Loading branch information
Kapiainen committed Mar 5, 2016
1 parent c1e69b3 commit 68234cd
Showing 1 changed file with 64 additions and 74 deletions.
138 changes: 64 additions & 74 deletions Source/Modules/Skyrim/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -166,17 +166,17 @@ def QueueLinter(self, view):
delay = settings.get("linter_delay", 500)/1000.0
if delay < 0.050:
delay = 0.050
if PYTHON_VERSION[0] == 2:
self.fileName = view.file_name()
if self.fileName:
self.fileName = view.file_name()
if self.fileName:
if PYTHON_VERSION[0] == 2:
self.scriptContents = view.substr(sublime.Region(0, view.size()))
self.sourcePaths = SublimePapyrus.GetSourcePaths(view)
t = threading.Timer(delay, self.Linter, kwargs={"view": None})
elif PYTHON_VERSION[0] >= 3:
t = threading.Timer(delay, self.Linter, kwargs={"view": view})
elif PYTHON_VERSION[0] >= 3:
t = threading.Timer(delay, self.Linter, kwargs={"view": view})

def Linter(self, view):
self.linterQueue -= 1 # Remove from queue
Expand All @@ -190,13 +190,14 @@ def Linter(self, view):
#start = time.time()
error = False
def Exit():
#print("Linter: Finished in %f milliseconds and releasing lock..." % ((time.time()-start)*1000.0))
self.linterRunning = False
return False
with self.cacheLock:
#start = time.time()
settings = None
if view:
settings = SublimePapyrus.GetSettings()
#start = time.time()
if int(sublime.version()) >= 3103 and view.is_auto_complete_visible(): # If a list of completions is visible, then cancel
return Exit()
if view:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,8 +227,6 @@ def Exit():
SublimePapyrus.ShowMessage("Lexical error on line %d, column %d: %s" % (e.line, e.column, e.message))
if settings.get("linter_panel_error_messages", False):
view.window().show_quick_panel([[e.message, "Line %d, column %d" % (e.line, e.column)]], None)
# print("Lexical error on line %d, column %d: %s" % (e.line, e.column, e.message))
error = True
return Exit()
if self.syn:
Expand All @@ -243,14 +242,9 @@ def Exit():
SublimePapyrus.ShowMessage("Syntactic error on line %d: %s" % (e.line, e.message))
if settings.get("linter_panel_error_messages", False):
view.window().show_quick_panel([[e.message, "Line %d" % e.line]], None)
# print("Syntactic error on line %d: %s" % (e.line, e.message))
error = True
if statements:
if view:
self.SetStatements(view.file_name(), statements[:]) # Cache a copy of the statements
self.SetStatements(self.fileName, statements[:]) # Cache a copy of the statements
self.SetStatements(self.fileName, statements[:]) # Cache a copy of the statements
return Exit()
if error:
Expand All @@ -267,18 +261,13 @@ def Exit():
SublimePapyrus.ShowMessage("Semantic error on line %d: %s" % (e.line, e.message))
if settings.get("linter_panel_error_messages", False):
view.window().show_quick_panel([[e.message, "Line %d" % e.line]], None)
# print("Semantic error on line %d: %s" % (e.line, e.message))
error = True
return Exit()
except Linter.Cancel as e:
#print("Linter: Finished in %f milliseconds and releasing lock..." % ((time.time()-start)*1000.0))
if not error:
if view:
SublimePapyrus.ShowMessage("Linter found no issues...")
# print("Linter found no issues...")
return Exit()

def Completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -349,63 +338,64 @@ def Exit():
except Linter.SemanticError as e:
return Exit()
except Linter.Cancel as e:
scriptName = None
if stat:
if stat.type == self.sem.STAT_EXPRESSION:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif stat.type == self.sem.STAT_ASSIGNMENT:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif stat.type == self.sem.STAT_VARIABLEDEF:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif stat.type == self.sem.STAT_IF:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif stat.type == self.sem.STAT_ELSEIF:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif stat.type == self.sem.STAT_WHILE:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif stat.type == self.sem.STAT_RETURN:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif expr:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(expr)
except Linter.SemanticError as e:
return Exit()
if scriptName:
if scriptName == self.sem.KW_SELF:
for scope in e.functions:
for name, obj in scope.items():
if obj.type == self.sem.STAT_FUNCTIONDEF:
completions.append(SublimePapyrus.MakeFunctionCompletion(obj, self.sem))
elif obj.type == self.sem.STAT_EVENTDEF:
completions.append(SublimePapyrus.MakeEventCompletion(obj, self.sem))
elif "[]" in scriptName:
typ = scriptName[:-2].capitalize()
completions.append(("find\tint func.", "Find(${1:%s akElement}, ${2:Int aiStartIndex = 0})" % typ,))
completions.append(("rfind\tint func.", "RFind(${1:%s akElement}, ${2:Int aiStartIndex = -1})" % typ,))
properties = self.GetPropertyCompletions(scriptName)
functions = self.GetFunctionCompletions(scriptName)
if properties and functions:
if len(e.variables) > 2:
scriptName = None
if stat:
if stat.type == self.sem.STAT_EXPRESSION:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif stat.type == self.sem.STAT_ASSIGNMENT:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif stat.type == self.sem.STAT_VARIABLEDEF:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif stat.type == self.sem.STAT_IF:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif stat.type == self.sem.STAT_ELSEIF:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif stat.type == self.sem.STAT_WHILE:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif stat.type == self.sem.STAT_RETURN:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(
elif expr:
scriptName = self.sem.NodeVisitor(expr)
except Linter.SemanticError as e:
return Exit()
if scriptName:
if scriptName == self.sem.KW_SELF:
for scope in e.functions:
for name, obj in scope.items():
if obj.type == self.sem.STAT_FUNCTIONDEF:
completions.append(SublimePapyrus.MakeFunctionCompletion(obj, self.sem))
elif obj.type == self.sem.STAT_EVENTDEF:
completions.append(SublimePapyrus.MakeEventCompletion(obj, self.sem))
elif "[]" in scriptName:
typ = scriptName[:-2].capitalize()
completions.append(("find\tint func.", "Find(${1:%s akElement}, ${2:Int aiStartIndex = 0})" % typ,))
completions.append(("rfind\tint func.", "RFind(${1:%s akElement}, ${2:Int aiStartIndex = -1})" % typ,))
script = self.sem.GetCachedScript(scriptName)
return Exit()
if script:
if not properties:
properties = []
for name, obj in
self.SetPropertyCompletions(scriptName, properties)
properties = self.GetPropertyCompletions(scriptName)
functions = self.GetFunctionCompletions(scriptName)
if properties and functions:
if not functions:
functions = []
for name, obj in script.functions.items():
functions.append(SublimePapyrus.MakeFunctionCompletion(obj, self.sem))
self.SetFunctionCompletions(scriptName, functions)
script = self.sem.GetCachedScript(scriptName)
return Exit()
if script:
if not properties:
properties = []
for name, obj in
self.SetPropertyCompletions(scriptName, properties)
if not functions:
functions = []
for name, obj in script.functions.items():
functions.append(SublimePapyrus.MakeFunctionCompletion(obj, self.sem))
self.SetFunctionCompletions(scriptName, functions)
else: # Objects from the script that is being edited
self.sem.Process(statements, SublimePapyrus.GetSourcePaths(view), line)
Expand Down

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