Basic Ordinary Differential Equation solvers implemented in Julia. Book: Steven C. Chapra, Applied Numerical Method with MATLAB® for Engineers and Scientists. Third Edition, 2008
This is an unregistred package. To install on Julia use:
To track changes across versions, the package should be registered into the local METADATA. Pull requests are always highly welcome to fix bugs, add solvers, or anything else!
Current release (v0.0.7), contains the basic functionality including:
- Euler method (euler)
- Heun method with iterations (heun)
- Runge Kutta 3th order (rk3)
- Runge Kutta 4th order (rk4)
- Runge Kutta 5th order (rk5)
all of which have the following basic API:
tout, yout = solver(F, tspan, y0; keywords...)
- h, step size (default = 1)
- AbsTol, Error tolerance (default = 0.00001)
Developed at the Instituto Tecnologico de Orizaba, Mexico.
Ph D Kelvyn Baruc Sánchez Sánchez. email: [email protected]