pmd-red Public
Forked from SethBarberee/pmd-redDecompilation of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team
SpeedRacerTool Public
Tool to rip models from PS2/WII Speed Racer
VGMusicStudio Public
🎵 A program that lets you listen to the music from popular video game formats. 🎵
KRand Public
C# Xoshiro256** library THAT USES INCLUSIVE MAX VALUES geez
EndianBinaryIO Public
A C# library that can read and write primitives, enums, arrays, and strings to streams and byte arrays with specified endianness, string encoding, and boolean sizes.
PokemonGameEngine Public
A C# 2D Pokémon game engine and map editor.
pokeemerald Public
Forked from pret/pokeemeralddisassembly of Pokémon Emerald
SudokuSolver Public
C# Sudoku solver that uses human techniques; no brute-forcing.
KFLP Public
Library to read/write FLP files
MIDIProgramSplitter Public
🎵 Split MIDI tracks with multiple instruments! Convert MIDI to FLP! 🎵
PokemonBattleEngine Public
A C# library that can emulate Pokémon battles.
KMIDI Public
A simple library for reading and writing MIDI files!
RocketLeague-Audio Public
Forked from ItsBranK/RocketLeague-AudioA repository for hosting all raw audio and sound effects that Rocket League uses.
The Unlicense UpdatedJan 4, 2023 -
DLS2 Public
A library that allows you to read/write .DLS files
SoundFont2 Public
C# SoundFont 2 library for reading and writing SF2 files.
HybridRenderingEngine Public
Forked from Angelo1211/HybridRenderingEngineClustered Forward/Deferred renderer with Physically Based Shading, Image Based Lighting and a whole lot of OpenGL.
HybridRenderingEngine-CS Public
Clustered Forward/Deferred renderer with Physically Based Shading, Image Based Lighting and a whole lot of OpenGL.
SimpleNARC Public
A super-simple library to read NARC files
pokefirered Public
Forked from pret/pokefireredDisassembly of Pokémon Fire Red/Leaf Green
Assembly UpdatedNov 1, 2019 -
Avalonia Public
Forked from AvaloniaUI/AvaloniaA multi-platform .NET UI framework
NDSMusicStudio Public archive
A tool that lets you listen to and edit the music within a SDAT file.
pokeruby Public
Forked from pret/pokerubyDisassembly of Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire