A node.js application to add candidate records from Excel to mongo database
● Make a node.js application to add candidate records from Excel to mongo database
● A web landing page as per wireframe
● Provide an excel upload option
● Success or Error Message
● Node.js - mandatory
● MongoDB - mandatory
● We can choose rest of the stack
● Backend should have logical separation of Model & Controller
● Demonstrate the use of callbacks
● Add all properties defined in Excel into a mongo collection
● All properties can be stored as strings or any data type of your choice
● Use async-each-series to process one candidate at a time, after reading from excel
● This has to be implemented in the API code
● Email id should be unique
● This validation should be implemented in the API code
● Duplicate check has to be done for each row against the database using a mongo query
● Skip row if duplicate exists in database
● Use enclosed excel for test data
● Return success if excel is processed
● Designed a Node.js application to add candidate records from Excel and it gets added to MongoDB
This is the landing page of the website.
Choose the file by clicking on "choose file".
Upload the excel file in .csv format by selecting the file
Connect MongoDB to view the records
View the records in raw form or in table form