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/ SlideAtlas-viewer Public archive

A multiresolution image viewer, optimized for whole slide images.


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Travis npm GitHub license David David

A multiresolution image viewer, optimized for whole slide images.


The development environment requires Node Package Manager to be installed. See the Node.js documentation for details on how to install it.


To fetch dependencies necessary for building, run:

npm install

To build the full distributable web code, then run:

npm run build

This will cause the following files to be built under the dist directory:

  • sa.max.js, with the concatenated relevant SlideAtlas Javascript files
  • sa.min.js, with the minified relevant SlideAtlas Javascript files
  • sa-lib.js, with the concatenated third-party libraries
  • sa-all.max.js, with the concatenation of sa-lib.js and sa.max.js
  • sa-all.min.js, with the concatenation of sa-lib.js and sa.min.js
  • sa.css, with the concatenated relevant SlideAtlas CSS files


To run style checks, run:

npm test


To generate a new release:

  • Ensure that the local machine is configured to push to NPM:

    npm whoami

    • If this command returns an error, configure the machine with:

      npm adduser

      using your credentials for NPM.

  • Ensure that the local repository is on the latest version of the master branch, with no outstanding changes:

    git stash && git checkout master && git pull

  • Bump the package version, using either:

    • npm version minor, for new features
    • npm version patch, for pure bug fixes

    Note, the npm version command will automatically install, build, and test the package.

    More importantly, it will create a new Git branch, named bump-version, containing a Git commit and tag for the new version. This branch will be automatically pushed to GitHub, but a PR must be created manually to merge this new branch.

  • Push the release to NPM:

    npm publish

  • Create and merge a PR on GitHub for the new bump-version branch.

Development Environment Tips

Vim Style Checking

To run style checks while editing in code Vim, check out this tutorial.

Emacs Style Checking

To run style checks with editing code in Emacs, use Flycheck. The Flycheck manual and portions of this tutorial provide more details on installation, but to get started quickly:

  • Append the following code to your ~/.emacs.d/init.el file:

    ;; Enable the package manager
    (require 'package)
    (add-to-list 'package-archives
                 '("MELPA Stable" . "") t)
  • In Emacs, enter

    M-x package-install RET flycheck

    to install Flycheck (RET is the return character).

  • Append the following additional code to your ~/.emacs.d/init.el file:

    (require 'flycheck)
    ;; turn on flychecking globally
    (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-flycheck-mode)
    ;; disable jshint since we prefer eslint checking
    (setq-default flycheck-disabled-checkers
      (append flycheck-disabled-checkers
    ;; use local eslint from node_modules before global
    (defun my/use-eslint-from-node-modules ()
      (let* ((root (locate-dominating-file
                    (or (buffer-file-name) default-directory)
             (eslint (and root
                          (expand-file-name "node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js"
        (when (and eslint (file-executable-p eslint))
          (setq-local flycheck-javascript-eslint-executable eslint))))
    (add-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook #'my/use-eslint-from-node-modules)
  • Use the following basic commands in Emacs to interact with Flycheck:

    • C-c ! l to see full list of errors in a buffer
    • C-c ! n to go to the next error
    • C-c ! p to go to the previous error

    and see the Flycheck documentation for more information on usage.

Automatic Code Rebuilding

To automatically rebuild the dist/sa.max.js, dist/sa-all.max.js, and dist/sa.css whenever one of the constituent Javascript (excluding libraries) or CSS files is modified, run:

npm run watch

Automatic Code Reloading

To automatically reload a web browser whenever one of the constituent Javascript (excluding libraries) or CSS files is modified:

  • Directly source the dist/sa.max.js and dist/sa.css files in your HTML page

  • Enable LiveReload for the page by either:

    • Adding the script tag

      <script src="//localhost:35729/livereload.js"></script>

      before the closing </body> tag of your HTML page

    • Installing the LiveReload browser extension.

  • Run

    npm run watch

    and then load your HTML page in a local browser.

Note, Javascript changes will cause the page to refresh, whereas CSS changes will cause an in-place update.

The examples/viewer.html file is already set up to support automatic reloading.


A multiresolution image viewer, optimized for whole slide images.







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