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User Stories Template

Nicolaj edited this page Aug 6, 2019 · 5 revisions


A user story should typically have a summary structured this way:

  1. As a [user concerned by the story]
  2. I want [goal of the story]
  3. so that [reason for the story]

The "so that" part is optional if more details are provided in the description.

(This template is heavily inspired by

Status Emojis

Since we cant link user stories directly to the issue- or projectboard we use status symbols to show status of the User Story:

Emoji Raw Emoji Code Description
🔵 :large_blue_circle: Not Started
🚧 :construction: WIP (Work In Progress)
✔️ :heavy_check_mark: Completed (The user story has been implemented in production)


The user story should have a reason to exist: what do I need as the user described in the summary?
This part details any detail that could not be passed by the summary.

### Status [One of the status emojis listed in the summary]

### Acceptance Criteria

1. [If I do A.]
1. [B should happen.]

Also, here are a few points that need to be addressed:

1. Constraint 1;
1. Constraint 2;
1. Constraint 3;

### Resources:

* Mockups: [Here goes a URL to or the name of the mockup(s) in Figma];
* Testing URL: [Here goes a URL to the testing branch];
* Staging URL: [Here goes a URL to the feature on staging];

### Notes

[Some complementary notes if necessary:]

* > Here goes a quote from an email
* Here goes whatever useful information can exist..


**As a** user **I want** to log in **so that** I can do stuff with the companies that I have access to.

### Status :construction:

### Acceptance Criteria

1. When I perform a log in with the correct credentials, I should be logged in and be allowed to perform actions on the companies and resources that my user is privileged for.
1. When I perform a log in with incorrect credentials, I should be notified of the error and be able to try again.

Please also note:

1. I should not be automatically logged out of the application if I close the web browser or the tab.

### Resources:

* [Mockup of login page](https://linkhere)
* [Testing branch URL](
* [Staging URL](