A Vagrantfile for the KorAP Corpus Analysis Platform
A Vagrantfile provides all that is required to run KorAP in a virtual machine, independent of your operating system.
As a prerequisite, you will need Vagrant and VirtualBox.
Then, either create a directory KorAP-Vagrant
and put the
Vagrant file in there or clone the git repository
$ git clone https://github.com/KorAP/KorAP-Vagrant
To initially create the KorAP VM, change into the
directory and start vagrant.
$ cd KorAP-Vagrant
$ vagrant up
This will eventually download the VM image, start the VM and initialize the provision. Please be patient - the first provision will take quite some time.
Afterwards you will have the KorAP user-interface available at
on your machine.
An example corpus as provided by Kustvakt
will be available as well.
In case of problems installing any of the components due to network issues, restart the provision with
$ vagrant provision
To stop the service, run
$ vagrant halt
To restart the service, run
$ vagrant up
To update the software (in case, you cloned the git repository), run
$ git pull origin master
$ vagrant provision
To log into the machine, run
$ vagrant ssh
Copyright (c) 2018-2021, IDS Mannheim, Germany
KorAP-Vagrant is developed as part of the KorAP Corpus Analysis Platform at the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS), funded by the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft.
KorAP-Vagrant is published under the BSD-2 License.