Give your standup a leg sweep.
YTB.Ninja eliminates the hassle of recording and tracking daily standup statuses.
Team members simply list what they did yesterday, what they plan on doing today and any blockers that will get in the way of their plan.
But Brandon! We already do this during standup!
I know. Who on the team takes notes during standup. Even if you answered yes are they good notes?
YTB eliminates this hassle by having the statuses delivered straight from the horse's mouth. No mishearing, transcribing issues, etc.
I already have a spreadsheet. On Google Docs even! This is stupid.
Oh really? Does you Google docs email stakeholders or place blockers in a prominent position? Nope. Didn't think so. I know it does require you to upkeep it manually. That's gross. We have enough to do.
Hmmm. This all all really compelling. Where can I try this?
Just go here ->