Lab 6 for KPZ. Minesweeper
This is classic realization of minesweeper game.
- You can play in 3 different levels: Easy, Medium and Hard.
- Game contains records list for all levels of difficulty so dont forget to say your name and save the record if you play good enought.
On this level you have 9x9 field and 10 bombs to find.
On this level you have 16x16 field and 40 bombs to find.
On this level you have 32x16 field and 99 bombs to find.
Good luck!
- DRY - Repeating parts was moved to methods
- Single Responsibility Principle - Every class make just one thing
- Interface Segregation Principle
- YAGNI - was removed all unused code
- Template method
- Factory method
- Observer
- Extract method (GetTimer)
- Inline Temp (IsBomb)
- Remove Assignments to Parameters
- Substitute Algorithm (Few times was changed algorithm for field generation and zero cell click.)
- Encapsulate Field
- Replace Data Value with Object (Changed Xcoord and Ycoord to Coords struct)
- Replace Array with Object
- Replace Type Code with Class
- Replace Nested Conditional with Guard Clauses