Postgres Puppet module.
All bugs produced by Kris Buytaert (and now Kit Plummer too).
There are two variables that need to be set at the site.pp level:
$postgres_password = "password"
This sets the default password for the postgres user and database.
$postgres_version = "84"
This sets the version of Postgres to be required.
Init the database before you start configuring files as once hba files etc exists in /var/lib/pgsql/data the initial database creation won't work anymore .
include postgres
postgres::initdb{ 'host': }
# Current postmaster.ops template has only listen address configurable, this can offcourse be expanded as needed...
postgres::config{ 'host': listen => '*', }
postgres::hba { 'host':
allowedrules => [
'host DATABASE all trust',
postgres::enable{ 'host': }`
To add a user and password:
postgres::createuser{'username':passwd => 'password',}
To create a new database:
postgres::createdb{'newdb':owner=> 'username',}