Currently Sanctus Inn is in heavy development, but can be viewed at
Sanctus Inn is an Ashes forum site built on top of the Laravel and VueJS frameworks. Our site, forum, and tools are all built from mostly scratch.
The site is intended to be a project to learn and re-iterate full-stack development Any inquiries should be directed to [email protected]
- Custom RestAPI built with Laravel
- Custom WYSIWYG w/ bbcode
- Custom Datatable built for Vue
- Custom Forums and Profiles
While Sanctus Inn tries to keep dependencies low there are a few that the site utilizes. Anything NOT listed below and found in site dependencies is temporary until I can get a custom version working.
- Laravel - PHP Framework
- VueJS 2.0 - JavaScript Frontend
- VueRouter - SPA Routing
- VueFontAwesome - Icon Components
- Axios - Promise HTTP Client
- Bulma - CSS Framework
- PHP - Used for backend
- JWT-Auth - JSON Web Token Authentication
- FontAwesome - SVG Icons
Yes, I am aware there are tokens/keys in the repo.
They are no longer active and pose no security risk.
You may look at the repo as an example of my work, it is public for employers.
I ask that you please don't steal my code.
Copyright 2020, Joshua Kronemeyer, All rights reserved