A simple script to convert a video to a gif using docker container of jrottenberg/ffmpeg.
Thanks to jrottenberg/ffmpeg for the great work.
!! The input and output can ONLY be the video files in the CURRENT DIRECTORY.
!! Before use, make sure docker is installed and running.
$ ./src/script.sh -h
Convert a video to gif using docker container jrottenberg/ffmpeg
The input and output can only be the video files in the current directory
Usage: ./src/script.sh [-h | --help] [-i | --input <input file>] [-s | --scale <scale:default=-1:480>] [--fps <fps:default=15>] [--ffmpeg-args <ffmpeg arguments>] <output gif>
-h, --help display this help and exit
-i, --input input file
-s, --scale scale of the output gif, default is -1:480
--fps frames per second of the output gif, default 15
--ffmpeg-args additional ffmpeg arguments
$ ./src/script.sh -i ScreenRecord2022-08-02.mov --ffmpeg-args "-ss 0 -t 3" --fps 5 output.gif
It's normal, the ffmpeg is running just keep waiting.