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Development Image Build Context

The build context for the ldmx/dev images used for developing and running ldmx-sw.

There is a corresponding workflow in ldmx-sw that generates a production docker container using the container generated by this build context as a base image. This production container already has ldmx-sw built and installed on it and assumes the user wants to run the application.

Use in ldmx-sw

In ldmx-sw, an environment script is defined in bash to setup the environment for both docker and singularity correctly. A description of this setup process is given for both docker and singularity if you desire more information.

Current Container Configuration

Software Package Version Construction Process
Ubuntu Server 22.04 Base Image
Python 3.10.6 From Ubuntu Repos
cmake 3.22.1 From Ubuntu Repos
Boost 1.74.0 From Ubuntu Repos
XercesC 3.2.4 Built from source
Pythia6 6.428 Built from source
ROOT 6.22/08 Built from source
Geant4 LDMX.10.2.3_v0.5 Built from source
Eigen 3.4.0 Built from source
LHAPDF 6.5.3 Built from source
GENIE 3.02.00 Built from source
Catch2 3.3.1 Built from source
ONNX Runtime 1.15.0 Download pre-built binaries

A detailed list of all packages installed from ubuntu repositories is given here, and documentation on the workflow and runner used to build the image is here.

Python Packages for Analyses

Installed in Python 3.

  • pip
  • Cython
  • numpy
  • uproot
  • matplotlib
  • xgboost
  • sklearn

Other Configuration

  • SSL Certificates that will be trusted by container are in the certs directory

Other Packages

If you would like another package included in the development container, please open an issue in this repository.