This is the release at the end of iteration 3
What's new:
- Fixed bug when getting book information which is in more than one faculty
- Searching books only from the user's faculty
- Introduced news of the fortnight in the main page
- Integrated the catalog's reservation in the app
- Fixed Scrapper that was fetching book images
- Created form to make book reservations
- Added a button to download the digital version of a book
- Added book loans to the user's reservations
- Created acceptance tests for book reservations and digital version
- Connected reservation form with the catalog's website
- Improved the book details page
- Improved the reservation details page
User Stories closed:
- As a UP Member, I want to see my reservation history, so that I can remember the books I've read #8
- As a UP member, I want to download the digital version of a book, so that I can visualize its content in a digital platform #5
- As a UP member, I want to have colors for different reservation statuses, so that I can keep track of return dates #10
- As a UP member, I want to see the details of a specific reservation, so that I can know when I need to return the book #6
- As a UP member, i want to request a book reservation, so that I can later pick it up from the library #2