Python openstack client which interacts with the OS restful api directly.
Project and user management is supported:
- List elements.
- Show details of a single element.
- Create single or bunch of elements, using attributes in command line or a file (json|yaml).
- Delete single or bunch of elements, using attributes in command line or a file (json|yaml).
Role management is supported:
- List roles.
- Show role details.
- Grant project to a user using a role.
- Delete grants of a user in a project using a role.
- List grants of a users in a projects filtering by project.
- List grants of a users in a projects filtering by user.
Command execution messages can be show in json or table format by using the --output parameter (see Usage)
The client requires the following environment variables:
$ export OS_AUTH_URL=https://SERVER:5000/v3
$ export OS_TOKEN=XXX
$ git clone
$ cd os_restful_client
$ pip install .
To use it:
$ os_restfulcli --help