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This package provides CycleGAN and generator implementations used in the uvcgan paper.

uvcgan introduces an improved method to perform an unpaired image-to-image style transfer based on a CycleGAN framework. Combined with a new hybrid generator architecture UNet-ViT (UNet-Vision Transformer) and a self-supervised pre-training, it achieves state-of-the-art results on a multitude of style transfer benchmarks.

This README file provides brief instructions about how to set up the uvcgan package and reproduce the results of the paper.

The accompanying benchmarking repository contains detailed instructions on how competing CycleGAN, CouncilGAN, ACL-GAN, and U-GAT-IT models were trained and evaluated.

For anyone interested in applying uvcgan over a scientific dataset, we publish a tutorial/demonstration of applying the uvcgan over the neutrino data at uvcgan4slats.


NOTE: The default cyclegan dataset implementation automatically converts grayscale images into RGB. If you like to apply uvcgan to a grayscale dataset, consider replacing the cyclegan dataset implementation with a cyclegan-v2 (introduced in d54411c79a0ce49a74ecb48b41a7bb11ffe2b385).

Installation & Requirements


uvcgan was trained using the official pytorch container pytorch/pytorch:1.9.0-cuda11.1-cudnn8-runtime. You can setup a similar training environment with conda

conda env create -f contrib/conda_env.yml


To install the uvcgan package one may simply run the following command

python develop --user

from the uvcgan source tree.

Environment Setup

uvcgan extensively uses two environment variables UVCGAN_DATA and UVCGAN_OUTDIR to locate user data and output directories. Users are advised to set these environment variables. uvcgan will look for datasets in the ${UVCGAN_DATA} directory and will save results under the "${UVCGAN_OUTDIR}" directory. If these variables are not set then they will default to ./data and ./outdir correspondingly.

UVCGAN Reproduction

To reproduce the results of the uvcgan paper, the following workflow is suggested:

  1. Download CycleGAN datasets (selfie2anime, celeba).
  2. Pre-train generators in a BERT-like setup.
  3. Train CycleGAN models.
  4. Generate translated images and evaluate KID/FID scores.

We also provide pre-trained generators that were used to obtain the uvcgan paper results. They can be found here.

1. Download CycleGAN Datasets

uvcgan provides a script (scripts/ to download and unpack various CycleGAN datasets.

NOTE: As of June 2023, the CelebA datasets (male2female and glasses) need to be recreated manually. Please refer to celeba4cyclegan for instructions on how to do that.

For example, one can use the following commands to download selfie2anime, CelebA male2female, CelebA eyeglasses, and the un-partitioned CelebA datasets:

./scripts/ selfie2anime
./scripts/ male2female
./scripts/ glasses
./scripts/ celeba_all

If you want to pre-train generators on the ImageNet dataset, a manual download of this dataset is required. More details about the origins of these datasets can be found here.

2. Pre-training Generators

To pre-train CycleGAN generators in a BERT-like setup one can use the following three scripts:


All three scripts have similar invocation. For example, to pre-train generators on the selfie2anime dataset one can run:

python scripts/train/selfie2anime/

You can find more details by looking over the scripts, which contain training configuration and are rather self-explanatory.

The pre-trained generators will be saved under the "${UVCGAN_OUTDIR}" directory.

3. Training CycleGAN Generators

Similarly to the generator pre-training, uvcgan provides two scripts to train the CycleGAN models:


Their invocation is similar to the corresponding scripts of the generator pre-training scripts. For example, the following command will train the CycleGAN model to perform male-to-female transfer

python scripts/train/celeba/ --attr male2female

More details can be found by looking over these scripts. The trained CycleGAN models will be saved under the "${UVCGAN_OUTDIR}" directory.

4. Evaluation of the trained model

To perform the style transfer with the trained models uvcgan provides a script scripts/ Its invocation is simple

python scripts/ PATH_TO_TRAINED_MODEL -n 100

where -n parameter controls the number of images from the test dataset to translate. The original and translated images will be saved under PATH_TO_TRAINED_MODEL/evals/final/translated

You can use the torch_fidelity package to evaluate KID/FID metrics on the translated images. Please, refer to the accompanying benchmarking repository for the KID/FID evaluation details.

Additional Examples

The additional usage examples can be found in the examples subdirectory of the uvcgan package.


I am training my model on a multi-GPU node. How to make sure that I use only one GPU?

You can specify GPUs that pytorch will use with the help of the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable. This variable can be set to a list of comma-separated GPU indices. When it is set, pytorch will only use GPUs whose IDs are in the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES.

What is the structure of a model directory?

uvcgan saves each model in a separate directory that contains:

  • MODEL/config.json -- model architecture, training, and evaluation configurations
  • MODEL/net_*.pth -- PyTorch weights of model networks
  • MODEL/opt_*.pth -- PyTorch weights of training optimizers
  • MODEL/shed_*.pth -- PyTorch weights of training schedulers
  • MODEL/checkpoints/ -- training checkpoints
  • MODEL/evals/ -- evaluation results

Training fails with "Config collision detected" error

uvcgan enforces a one-model-per-directory policy to prevent accidental overwrites of existing models. Each model directory must have a unique configuration - if you try to place a model with different settings in a directory that already contains a model, you'll receive a "Config collision detected" error.

This safeguard helps prevent situations where you might accidentally lose trained models by starting a new training run with different parameters in the same directory.


  1. To overwrite the old model: delete the old config.json configuration file and restart the training process.
  2. To preserve the old model: modify the training script of the new model and update the label or outdir configuration options to avoid collisions.


All contributions are welcome. To ensure code consistency among a diverse set of collaborators, uvcgan uses pylint linter that automatically identifies common code issues and ensures uniform code style.

If you are submitting code changes, please run the pylint tool over your code and verify that there are no issues.


uvcgan is distributed under BSD-2 license.

uvcgan repository contains some code (primarity in uvcgan/base subdirectory) from pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix. This code is also licensed under BSD-2 license (please refer to uvcgan/base/LICENSE for details). Each code snippet that was taken from pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix has a note about proper copyright attribution.


If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper.

  title     = {Uvcgan: Unet vision transformer cycle-consistent gan for unpaired image-to-image translation},
  author    = {Torbunov, Dmitrii and Huang, Yi and Yu, Haiwang and Huang, Jin and Yoo, Shinjae and Lin, Meifeng and Viren, Brett and Ren, Yihui},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision},
  pages     = {702--712},
  year      = {2023}